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Santa's Stuck Up in The Chimney

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Phrased Beginner
Shirley Selvasingam (MY) - November 2013
Santa's Stuck Up In the Chimney - Paul Evans
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Sequence: A, B, C, A, B, C, C, A, B (dance additional 8 counts as per * after 24 counts), C, End

Start after 16 counts

A - 32 counts
1&2-3&4Samba R-L-R, Samba L-R-L
5-6-7&8Step R forward, step L, shuffle R-L-R with ½ turn right

1&2-3-4Shuffle forward L-R-L, Step R forward with ½ turn left, hitch L
5&6-7-8Shuffle forward L-R-L, Walk forward R-L

1-2-3-4Cross R over L, step L, ¼ turn right step R, scuff L
5-6-7&8Cross L over R, step R, cross L behind R, step R, cross L over R

1&2-3&4Step R to right side, step L next to R, clap hands, Repeat
5&6-7-8Shuffle left L-R-L, ¼ turn right step R back, step L next to R

B - 32 counts
1-2*Step R forward, step L (hands out straight at chest level)
3-4*Step R back, step L (bend arms towards self)
5-6*Step R back, step L (bend arms towards self)
7-8*Step R next to L, hold (hands out straight at chest level)

9&10-11-12Chasse right
13&14-15-16Chasse left with a ¼ turn right

Repeat 1 - 16

C - 8 counts
1-2-3-4Rocking chair R-L-R-L
5-6-7-8Paddle ½ left

End : Rocking chair

Merry Christmas and have fun everyone!

Contact: Submitted by - CH Lim-Naidu:

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