(The music tells you what to do!)
Section 1: Lock step forward, scuff, lock step forward, scuff, mambo forward, lock step back
1&2&Right lock step forward, scuff left heel
3&4&Left lock step forward, scuff right heel
5&6Right mambo fwd,
7&8Left lock step back
Section 2: 1/2 shuffle turn right, step turn step, side rock cross, side rock cross
1&21/2 shuffle right
3&4Step forward on left, 1/2 pivot right, step forward on left
5&6Right Side, rock, cross
7&8Left Side, rock, cross
(During walls 2 &5add 2 stomps and restart)
Section 3: Syncopated weave right, side rock, cross, step, cross, step, cross
1&2&3&4&Syncopated weave right
5&6&7&8Side, rock, cross, step, cross, step, cross
Section 4: Rumba box with 1/4 turn left, side, together, back, sway, sway, side, close, side
1&2Left Side, together, 1/4 left stepping fwd,
3&4Right side, together, back
5-6Step left to left and sway left, sway right
***(Walls 1 & 4 add sway left and Restart)
7&8Side, close side
(Wall 7 - Restart)
Section 5: Cross rock, side, cross rock, side, 4 walks in circle
1&2Cross right over left, recover, step right to right
3&4Cross left over right, recover, step left to left
5-84 walks full turn left - right, left, right, left
Ending: Dance section 1 - Then:-
1&2Shuffle 1/2 turn right
3&4Rock left to left, recover on right, cross left over right
5big step to right and hold arms out to sides
Section 1: Lock step forward, scuff, lock step forward, scuff, mambo forward, lock step back
1&2&Right lock step forward, scuff left heel
3&4&Left lock step forward, scuff right heel
5&6Right mambo fwd,
7&8Left lock step back
Section 2: 1/2 shuffle turn right, step turn step, side rock cross, side rock cross
1&21/2 shuffle right
3&4Step forward on left, 1/2 pivot right, step forward on left
5&6Right Side, rock, cross
7&8Left Side, rock, cross
(During walls 2 &5add 2 stomps and restart)
Section 3: Syncopated weave right, side rock, cross, step, cross, step, cross
1&2&3&4&Syncopated weave right
5&6&7&8Side, rock, cross, step, cross, step, cross
Section 4: Rumba box with 1/4 turn left, side, together, back, sway, sway, side, close, side
1&2Left Side, together, 1/4 left stepping fwd,
3&4Right side, together, back
5-6Step left to left and sway left, sway right
***(Walls 1 & 4 add sway left and Restart)
7&8Side, close side
(Wall 7 - Restart)
Section 5: Cross rock, side, cross rock, side, 4 walks in circle
1&2Cross right over left, recover, step right to right
3&4Cross left over right, recover, step left to left
5-84 walks full turn left - right, left, right, left
Ending: Dance section 1 - Then:-
1&2Shuffle 1/2 turn right
3&4Rock left to left, recover on right, cross left over right
5big step to right and hold arms out to sides