CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Beautiful Z

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High Intermediate
Zahava Wilstein - November 2013
"Beautiful" by Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley & Bobby Brown
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Step, hitch, side rock and behind, left scissors, 1/4 turn, 1/4 turn
1 2Step left forward(1), right hitch with hip raise(2),
3 & 4rock right to right side(3), recover left(&), step right behind left(4)
5 & 6Step left to side(5), together with right (&), crossing left over right(6)
7 8step back with right making ¼ turn left(7), step left forward with ¼ turn left (8) (6 o'clock)

Step, 1/4 turn with open knee, 1/2 right sailor, step, right toe, heel, cross, heel
1 2 3step right forward(1), open left knee as you make 1/4 turn left while keeping weight on right (look left) (2), shift weight onto left (3) as you sweep right (3 o'clock)
4&51/2 turn right sailor - behind with right(4), side with left while turning 1/4(&), step side with right (5)(9 o'clock)
6step left forward
7&8&touch right toe back(7), right heel forward(&), right toe cross(8), touch right heel forward(&)

Step, side point, hitch across, step forward with 3/4 sweep turn, side triple, sway hips with 1/4 turn
a1 2quickly step down with right(a), touch left toe to left(1), hitch left knee up and across right leg(2)
3-4step slightly forward left(3), as you sweep the right from back to front into a 3/4 left turn (keep weight on the left) 12 o'clock
5&6step right to side(5) step together with left(&), step right to side(6) (use hip movement with this side triple)
7 8rock left with hip back beginning 1/4 turn right(7), finish 1/4 turn while rocking forward(8). (3 o'clock)

Step, 1/4 left with right coaster, 1/2 turn, right coaster, full left 2-step turn
1 2&3step left forward(1), right back making a 1/4 turn left(2), step together with left(&), step right forward (3) (12 o'clock)
4 5&6½ turn right stepping back on the left(4), right step back (5), together with left (&), right step forward(6) (6 o'clock)
7 8½ turn right stepping left (7), ½ turn right stepping right forward (8)

Step, point, shoulder switches, upper body roll, left 1/2 turning coaster cross
1 2step left forward(1), point right toes to right(2)
3&4raise shoulders right(3), left(&), right(4) while shifting weight to right
5 6upper body roll (5), finish roll sitting into right hip(6).
7&8step left back making 1/4 turn(7), step right together making another 1/4 turn(&), cross left over right(8) (12 o'clock)

Press, recover, right sailor, step 1/4 left, step 1/2 right, 1/2 right with back lock back
1 2press right to side(1), recover weight to left(2)
3&4right sailor step - behind with right(3), side with left(&), side with right (4)
5 6pivot ¼ turn left putting weight on forward left foot(5), pivot ½ turn right putting weight onto right (6)
7&8step left back making 1/4 turn right(7), cross right across making 1/4 turn right(&), step left back(8) (9 o'clock)

Step back, kick, ball step forward 2X, step, together, knee splits right and left
1 2step right back(1), slowly kick left to right diagonal
&3&4keeping body angled, forward ball step with left(&), step together right(3), ball step forward with left(&), step right together (4)
5 6step left forward to left diagonal(5), step right next to it and bend knees placing hands on knees(6)
7 8split right knee looking right(7), return right knee (&), split left knee looking left(8), return left knee (&) (9 o'clock)

Curving 1/4 right triple step, Curving 3/4 left triple step, rock, recover, triple step 1/2 turn
1&2step right making 1/8 turn right(5) together with left while making another 1/8 turn(&), right to side (2) (This triple step makes a curved arc). (12 o'clock)
3&4left step with 1/4(3), step together with right making another 1/4 turn left(&), step forward with left making another 1/4 turn(4). (This triple step makes a curved arc). (3 o'clock)
5 6rock right forward(5), recover left(6)
7&8step right to side making 1/4 right turn(7), step together with left making 1/4 right(&), step forward with right(8) (9 o'clock)


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