16 count intro
Step Side, Touch Together, Side Side, Touch Together, Rock Back, Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn
1,2,3,4Step R side, touch L close, step L side, touch R close
5,6Rock R back, step L in place
7&8Shuffle RLR forward with ½ turn L to face 6 o’clock
Step Side, Touch Together, Side Side, Touch Together, Rock Back, Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn
1,2,3,4Step L side, touch R close, step R side, touch L close
5,6Rock L back, step R in place
7&8Shuffle LRL forward with ½ turn R to face 12 o’clock
Tag: (Done only on walls 1,3 and 6)
Rock Back, Recover, ¼ Pivot, ¼ Pivot, ½ Pivot
1,2Rock R back, step L in place
3,4Step R forward, step L in place with ¼ pivot turn L
5,6Step R forward, step L in place with ¼ pivot turn L
7,8Step R forward, step L in place with ½ pivot turn L
End of Tag
Step R, Step L, Hip Circle Twice
1,2,3,4Step R to R, hold, step L to L, hold
5,6,7,82 hip circles counterclockwise
Lock Step, Shuffle Step, ½ Pivot, Step Together
1,2Turn ¼ R to face 3 o’clock: step R forward, step L close
3&4Shuffle step forward RLR
5,6Step L forward, step R in place with ½ pivot turn R to face 9 o’clock
7,8Step L together, hold
Touch Side, Hitch Front, Touch Side, Hitch Back, Behind Side Front
1,2Touch R side, hitch R in front of L
3,4Touch R side, hitch R in back of L
5,6,7,8Step R behind L, step L side, step R in front of L, hold
Touch Side, Hitch Front, Touch Side, Hitch Back, Sailor ½ Turn
1,2Touch L side, hitch L in front of R
3,4Touch L side, hitch L in back of R
5,6,7,8Sailor step LRL with ½ turn L to face 3 o’clock, hold
Step Side, Touch Together, Side Side, Touch Together, Rock Back, Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn
1,2,3,4Step R side, touch L close, step L side, touch R close
5,6Rock R back, step L in place
7&8Shuffle RLR forward with ½ turn L to face 6 o’clock
Step Side, Touch Together, Side Side, Touch Together, Rock Back, Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn
1,2,3,4Step L side, touch R close, step R side, touch L close
5,6Rock L back, step R in place
7&8Shuffle LRL forward with ½ turn R to face 12 o’clock
Tag: (Done only on walls 1,3 and 6)
Rock Back, Recover, ¼ Pivot, ¼ Pivot, ½ Pivot
1,2Rock R back, step L in place
3,4Step R forward, step L in place with ¼ pivot turn L
5,6Step R forward, step L in place with ¼ pivot turn L
7,8Step R forward, step L in place with ½ pivot turn L
End of Tag
Step R, Step L, Hip Circle Twice
1,2,3,4Step R to R, hold, step L to L, hold
5,6,7,82 hip circles counterclockwise
Lock Step, Shuffle Step, ½ Pivot, Step Together
1,2Turn ¼ R to face 3 o’clock: step R forward, step L close
3&4Shuffle step forward RLR
5,6Step L forward, step R in place with ½ pivot turn R to face 9 o’clock
7,8Step L together, hold
Touch Side, Hitch Front, Touch Side, Hitch Back, Behind Side Front
1,2Touch R side, hitch R in front of L
3,4Touch R side, hitch R in back of L
5,6,7,8Step R behind L, step L side, step R in front of L, hold
Touch Side, Hitch Front, Touch Side, Hitch Back, Sailor ½ Turn
1,2Touch L side, hitch L in front of R
3,4Touch L side, hitch L in back of R
5,6,7,8Sailor step LRL with ½ turn L to face 3 o’clock, hold