CopperKnob Stepsheets

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On Your Knees

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High Intermediate
Jannie Tofte Stoian (DK) & Kirsten Matthiessen (DK) - August 2013
Don't Hurt Me This Way - Lukas Graham : (iTunes)
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Intro: 4 count intro (app. 3 sec. into track) - (You never dance the back wall)

[1-8] Ball cross, ¼ L, step turn step, ball rock, coaster cross
&1-2Step L next to R, cross R over L, step ¼ L stepping L fw 09:00
3&4Step R fw, turn ½ L stepping onto L, step R fw 03:00
&5-6Step L next to R, rock R fw, recover onto L 03:00
7&8Step R back, step L next to R, cross R over L 03:00

[9-16] Side rock, behind side cross, point, rolling vine, slide
1-2Rock L to L side, recover onte R (to help yourself, grind L heel when recovering) 03:00
3&4Cross L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R 03:00
5Point R to R side and prep body towards L 03:00
6&7-8Turn ¼ R stepping R fw, turn ½ R stepping L back, turn ¼ R stepping R big step to R, slide L towards R 03:00

[17-24] Ball cross, ¼ R, shuffle ½ R, mambo step, ball slide
&1-2Step L next to R, cross R over L, turn ¼ R stepping L back 06:00
3&4Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side, step L next to R, turn ¼ R stepping R fw 12:00
5&6Rock L fw, recover onto R, step L back 12:00
&7-8Step R next to L, step L big step back sliding R towards L, step R next L 12:00

[25-33] Monterey ¼ L, kick step rock step, diagonal step touches x3, kick ball cross
1&2&Point L to L side, turn ¼ L stepping L next R, point R to R side, step R next to L 09:00
3&4&Kick L fw, cross L over R, rock R back, recover onto L 09:00
5&Step R fw diagonally R, touch L next to R 09:00
6&Step L fw diagonally L, touch R next to L 09:00
7&Step R fw diagonally R, touch L next to R
On counts 5-7&:When stepping fw pop both knees out, when collecting return knees to centre 09:00
8&1Kick L fw diagonally L, step L next to R, cross R over L 09:00
Restart here on wall 2:The end of your kick ball cross will become your first count

[34-41] Back side, jazz box, jazz box ½ R, step lock step
2-3Step L back, step R to R side 09:00
&4&Cross L over R, step R back, step L back diagonally L 09:00
5-7Cross R over L, step L back, turn ½ R stepping R fw 03:00
8&1Step L fw, lock R behind L, step L fw 03:00

[42-49] Rock step, out out ball cross, ¼ L, side, cross turn turn R
2-3Rock R fw, recover onto L 03:00
&4&5Step R to R side, step L to L side, step R next to L, cross L over R 03:00
6-7Turn ¼ L stepping R back, step L to L side 12:00
8&1Cross R over L, turn ¼ R stepping L back, turn ¼ R rocking R to R side 06:00

[50-56] Recover, cross behind, ball cross shuffle, side rock, behind side
2-3Rcover onto L, cross R behind L 06:00
&4&5Step L next to R, cross R over L, step L small step L, cross R over L 06:00
6-7Rock L to L side, recover onto R 06:00
8&Cross L behind R, step R to R side 06:00

[57-64] Rock step, ball rock step, ball jazz box cross, kick ball cross
1-2&Rock L fw, recover onto R, step L next to R 06:00
3-4&Rock R fw, recover onto L, step R next to L 06:00
5-6&7Cross L over R, turn ¼ L stepping R back, step L small step to L, cross R over L 03:00
8&1Kick L fw diagonally L, step L next to R, cross R over L 03:00
The end of your kick ball cross will become your first count

Tag: After wall 4 facing 6:00
(1)-2-3-4 (Cross R over L), step L back, turn ¼ R stepping R to R side, kick L fw diagonally L 09:00

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