CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Wanna Be Crazy

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Easy Intermediate
Cef Decaney (USA) - August 2013
I Want Crazy - Hunter Hayes
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Dance Starts 16 counts into the music, when the lyrics start

Weave, Knee Pops
1-2&3-4Step Rt to Rt side (1), cross Left behind Rt (2), step Rt to Rt side (&), cross Left over Rt (3), step Rt next to Left (4)
5&6&7&8&Bend both knees facing 45 degree angle to Rt (5), straighten legs squaring up to face wall of dance (&), Bend both knees facing 45 degree angle to left (6), straighten legs square up to wall of dance (&), bend knees again 45 degrees to Rt (7), straighten legs square up to wall of dance (&), bend knees again 45 degrees to Left (8), straighten legs squaring up to wall of dance (&) *make sure weight is on the right when square up

Weave, Knee Pops
1-2&3-4Step Left to Left side (1), cross Rt behind Left (2), Step Left to Left side (&), cross Rt over Left (3), Step Left next to Rt (4)
5&6&7&8&Bend knees facing 45 degrees to Left (5), straighten/square up (&), bend knees facing 45 degrees to Rt (6), straighten/square up (&), bend knees facing 45 degrees Left (7) straighten/square up (&), bend knees facing 45 degrees Rt (8), straighten/square up (8)
*make sure weight is on left when you do final square up

Heel Switches, ¼ Turn Left, Heel Switches, ¼ Turn Left
1&2&3-4Touch Rt heel forward (1), step back Rt next to Left (&), touch Left heel forward (2), step back Left next to Rt (&), Step Rt forward (3), make ¼ turn left (wt on left)(4)
5&6&7-8Touch Rt heel forward (5), step back Rt next Left (&), touch Left heel forward (6), step back Left next to Rt (&), Step Rt forward (7), make ¼ turn left (wt on Left) (8)
**5th wall you will RESTART here**

Sync Weave, Side Rock, Sync Weave, Side Rock
1&2-3-4Step Right behind Left (1), Step Left to Left side (&), Cross Right over Left (2), Rock Left to left side (3), return back onto Right (4)
5&6-7-8Cross Left behind Right (5), step Right to Right side (&), Cross Left over Right (6), Rock Right to Right side (7), return back onto Left (8)

Kick Ball Change X2, Rock Forward, Coaster
1&2-3&4Kick Rt foot forward (1), step down on ball of Rt foot (&), step onto Left (2), Kick Rt foot forward (3), step down on ball of Rt foot (&), step onto Left (4),
5-6-7&8Rock forward on Right (5), recover back onto Left (6), step back onto Right (7), step Left next to Right (&), Step forward on Right (8)

Step Lock, Touch, Step Lock Touch
1-2-3-4Step Left forward (1), lock Right behind Left (2), Step Left Forward (3), touch Right next to Left (4)
5-6-7-8Step Right forward (5), lock Left behind Rt (6), Step Right forward (7), touch Left next to Right (8)

Step Back ¼ Turn Left, Step Together, Sways
1-2-3-4Step back with the Left at angle making ¼ turn to the left (1), step Right next to Left (2), Step Left to Left side (3), touch Right next to Left (4)
5-6-7-8Step onto Right sway to the right (5), Step onto Left sway to left (6), Step onto Right sway to Right (7), Step onto Left sway to left


TAG: End of 2nd wall add 8 counts
1-2-3-4Step forward and out with Right (1), Step forward and out with Left (2), Step back and in with Right (3), Step back and together with Left (4)
5-6-7-8Sway Right (5), Sway Left (6), Sway Right (7), Sway Left (8)

RESTART: On the Fifth (5) wall restart after 24 counts. 5th wall will be the original wall you
started on, and the dance will end on that wall.


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