(21 secs intro - Start on vocals)
Restart/Tag: There is one Restart during Wall 2 and a short Tag after Wall 4
Section 1: Side Strut, Back Rock (x 2)
1 – 2Step right toe to right side. Drop right heel taking weight.
3 – 4Rock left back on slight left diagonal. Recover onto right squaring up to wall.
5 – 6Step left toe to left side. Drop left heel taking weight.
7 – 8Rock right back on slight right diagonal. Recover onto left squaring up to wall.
Styling Let arms naturally swing back on the back rock.
Section 2: Grapevine 1/2 Turn With Hitch, Grapevine With Hitch
1 – 2Step right to side. Turn 1/4 right stepping left behind right.
3 – 4Turn 1/4 right stepping right to side. Hitch left.
5 – 7Step left to side. Cross right behind left. Step left to side. (6:00)
8Hitch right, angling body to left diagonal.
Section 3: Cross Rock, Step, Hitch (x 2)
1 – 3To left diagonal, cross rock right over left. Recover onto left. Step right forward.
4Hitch left, turning towards right diagonal.
5 – 7To right diagonal, cross rock left over right. Recover onto right. Step left forward.
8Hitch right, squaring up to wall. (6:00)
Section 4: Step, 1/4, Step, 1/2, Run x 4
1 – 2Step down on right. Hitch left turning 1/4 left.
3 – 4Step down on left. Hitch right turning 1/2 left. (9:00)
5 – 8Run forward - right, left, right, left (slightly bending knees then coming up again).
Section 5: Forward Rock, Side Rock, Back Rock, Step, Hold
1 – 4Rock right forward. Recover onto left. Rock right to right side. Recover onto left.
5 – 8Rock right back. Recover onto left. Step right forward. Hold.
Section 6: Step, Pivot 1/2, Step, Hold (x 2)
1 – 4Step left forward. Pivot 1/2 turn right. Step left forward. Hold and clap.
5 – 8Step right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn left. Step right forward. Hold and clap.
Section 7: Rumba Box With Hitch
1 – 4Step left to left side. Step right beside left. Step left forward. Hold.
5 – 8Step right to right side. Step left beside right. Step right back. Hitch left.
Section 8: Coaster Step, Hold, Rocking Chair
1 – 4Step left back. Step right beside left. Step left forward. Hold.
** Restart: Wall 2: Start the dance again (facing 6:00).
5 – 8Rock right forward. Recover onto left. Rock right back. Recover onto left.
Tag: End of Wall 4: Rocking Chair
1 – 4Rock right forward. Recover onto left. Rock right back. Recover onto left.
Ending Following right toe strut, step left to side, arms out, and pose.
Note Dance goes in and out of phrasing after Wall 5 but just dance through.
Also hitches can be danced with a little hop on supporting foot, Cajun skip style!
Restart/Tag: There is one Restart during Wall 2 and a short Tag after Wall 4
Section 1: Side Strut, Back Rock (x 2)
1 – 2Step right toe to right side. Drop right heel taking weight.
3 – 4Rock left back on slight left diagonal. Recover onto right squaring up to wall.
5 – 6Step left toe to left side. Drop left heel taking weight.
7 – 8Rock right back on slight right diagonal. Recover onto left squaring up to wall.
Styling Let arms naturally swing back on the back rock.
Section 2: Grapevine 1/2 Turn With Hitch, Grapevine With Hitch
1 – 2Step right to side. Turn 1/4 right stepping left behind right.
3 – 4Turn 1/4 right stepping right to side. Hitch left.
5 – 7Step left to side. Cross right behind left. Step left to side. (6:00)
8Hitch right, angling body to left diagonal.
Section 3: Cross Rock, Step, Hitch (x 2)
1 – 3To left diagonal, cross rock right over left. Recover onto left. Step right forward.
4Hitch left, turning towards right diagonal.
5 – 7To right diagonal, cross rock left over right. Recover onto right. Step left forward.
8Hitch right, squaring up to wall. (6:00)
Section 4: Step, 1/4, Step, 1/2, Run x 4
1 – 2Step down on right. Hitch left turning 1/4 left.
3 – 4Step down on left. Hitch right turning 1/2 left. (9:00)
5 – 8Run forward - right, left, right, left (slightly bending knees then coming up again).
Section 5: Forward Rock, Side Rock, Back Rock, Step, Hold
1 – 4Rock right forward. Recover onto left. Rock right to right side. Recover onto left.
5 – 8Rock right back. Recover onto left. Step right forward. Hold.
Section 6: Step, Pivot 1/2, Step, Hold (x 2)
1 – 4Step left forward. Pivot 1/2 turn right. Step left forward. Hold and clap.
5 – 8Step right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn left. Step right forward. Hold and clap.
Section 7: Rumba Box With Hitch
1 – 4Step left to left side. Step right beside left. Step left forward. Hold.
5 – 8Step right to right side. Step left beside right. Step right back. Hitch left.
Section 8: Coaster Step, Hold, Rocking Chair
1 – 4Step left back. Step right beside left. Step left forward. Hold.
** Restart: Wall 2: Start the dance again (facing 6:00).
5 – 8Rock right forward. Recover onto left. Rock right back. Recover onto left.
Tag: End of Wall 4: Rocking Chair
1 – 4Rock right forward. Recover onto left. Rock right back. Recover onto left.
Ending Following right toe strut, step left to side, arms out, and pose.
Note Dance goes in and out of phrasing after Wall 5 but just dance through.
Also hitches can be danced with a little hop on supporting foot, Cajun skip style!