CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hear That Banjo

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Robert Charity (AUS) - August 2013
Banjo - Rascal Flatts
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Intro: 16 Beats

Paddle Left, Heel and Heel, Paddle Left, Heel and Heel
1 2 3 & 4Step forward on Right and turn ¼ Left taking weight onto Left, Step Right Heel forward, step Right Foot beside Left and step forward on Left Heel
& 5 6 7 & 8Step Left Foot beside Right and Step forward on Right and turn ¼ Left taking weight onto Left, Step Right Heel forward, step Right Foot beside Left and step forward on Left Heel (6.00)

Side Recover, Cross Shuffle, Side Recover, Behind, Side Cross
&1 2 3 & 4Step your Left Foot beside your Right,Step Right Foot to the side, recover weight onto Left and cross shuffle Left, RLR
5 6 7 & 8Step Left Foot to the side, recover weight onto Right, Step Left behind Right, Step Right to the side, Cross Left Foot over Right (6.00)

Rock Forward, Recover, Full Turn Triple, Back, Back, Coaster Step
1 2 3 & 4Rock forward on Right, Recover weight back onto Left Foot, do a Full Turn over your Right shoulder (RLR)
5 6 7 & 8Step back on your Left Foot, step back on your Right Foot, Step back on your Left Foot, step your Right beside your Left and step forward on your Left (6.00)

Forward, Pivot, Kick and Point, Forward, Pivot, Kick and Point
1 2 3 & 4Step forward on your Right and turn ½ Left, kick your Right foot forward and point your Left toe to the side
5 6 7 & 8Step forward on your Left and turn ½ Right, kick your Left foot forward and point your Right toe to the side (6.00)

Stomp, Stomp, Twist and Twist 1/4L, Forward, Rock, 1/2R Sailor
1 2 3 & 4Stomp Right foot beside Left, Stomp Left foot to the side, Twist both heels to the right and back to the centre, twist both heels to the Right turning ¼ Left-(3.00)
5 6 7 & 8Rock forward on Right, recover onto Left, turn ½ Right sweeping your right round to place it beside your Left foot and step your Right foot in place (9.00)

Side, Behind, 1/4L, Quick Pivot L, Side, Behind, 1/4R, Quick Pivot R
1 2 3 & 4Step Left to the side, Step Right behind Left, turn ¼ Left stepping forward on Left, step forward on Right and turn ½ Left placing weight onto Left
5 6 7 & 8Step Right to the side, Step Left behind Right, turn ¼ Right stepping forward on Right, step forward on Left and turn ½ Right placing weight onto Right (9.00)

Side, Recover, 1/2L Side Shuffle, Cross, Side, Back together, Heel
1 2 3 & 4Step Left to the side, recover weight back onto Right, turn ½ Left and side shuffle to your left
5 6 7 & 8Cross your Right Foot over your Left, Step your Left to the side, step your Right foot back and step your Left beside your Right and step your Right Heel forward (3.00)

Cross, Side, Back Together, Heel, Forward, Touch 1/2R Triple Step
& 1 2 3 & 4Step your Right Foot beside your Left, Cross your Left Foot over your Right, Step your Right to the side, step your Left Foot back and step your Right beside your Left and step your Left Heel forward
& 5 6 7 & 8Step your Left beside your Right and step forward on your Right, touch your Left Foot behind your Right, turn ½ Right doing a triple step (LRL) (9.00)

End of dance. Start new wall.—

Restarts: On Walls 2 and 4 (12.00)
Dance to count 60, and Restart the dance.

Finish facing the front wall on the Heel Twists

Rob Charity ( 0422467533

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