Improver Cha Cha
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Rock recover, chasse right, Rock recover chasse left
1, 2rock right in front of left recover left foot
3&4Chasse to the right - right left right.
5, 6Rock left in front of right and recover on right foot
7&8Chasse to the left- left right left
Rock recover, ¼ turn sailor step to right, half turn pivot right and triple forward
1, 2rock right across left recover left
3&4Sailor ¼ turn right step forward on right foot
5 ,6Half turn pivot right left foot forward weight on Right foot
7&8Triple forward left right left
Heel Jacks right and left
1, 2step right to the side, cross left in back of right
&3&4step right foot to the right, touch left heel, step left and cross right foot over left
5, 6Step left to the side and cross right in back of left
&7&8Step left foot to the left, touch right heel, step right and cross left foot over right.
Rock right, behind side cross, rock left coaster 1/4 turning left
1 ,2rock side on right foot, recover on left
3&4right behind left, side step to the left and cross over on the right
5 ,6rock side to the left recover on the right
7&8Coaster step with ¼ turn to the left - left foot, right foot, stepping forward on left foot
Rock recover, chasse right, Rock recover chasse left
1, 2rock right in front of left recover left foot
3&4Chasse to the right - right left right.
5, 6Rock left in front of right and recover on right foot
7&8Chasse to the left- left right left
Rock recover, ¼ turn sailor step to right, half turn pivot right and triple forward
1, 2rock right across left recover left
3&4Sailor ¼ turn right step forward on right foot
5 ,6Half turn pivot right left foot forward weight on Right foot
7&8Triple forward left right left
Heel Jacks right and left
1, 2step right to the side, cross left in back of right
&3&4step right foot to the right, touch left heel, step left and cross right foot over left
5, 6Step left to the side and cross right in back of left
&7&8Step left foot to the left, touch right heel, step right and cross left foot over right.
Rock right, behind side cross, rock left coaster 1/4 turning left
1 ,2rock side on right foot, recover on left
3&4right behind left, side step to the left and cross over on the right
5 ,6rock side to the left recover on the right
7&8Coaster step with ¼ turn to the left - left foot, right foot, stepping forward on left foot