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Treat Her Right

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Adrian Churm (UK) - July 2013
Treat Her Right - Shakin' Stevens
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(25 sec intro, start on vocals)

Sec 1: Side, together, side, ball, step, side, slide into step behind, side, cross rock
1 – 3Step left foot to the side, close right foot towards left, step left foot to the side.
4&Step ball of right foot behind left, Step left foot on the spot.
5 – 7Step right foot to the side allow left foot to slide in slightly, step left behind right, step right foot to the side.
8&Rock left foot across right, recover back onto right. (12 o'clock)

Sec 2: Side, together, small step back, lock (or shuffle forward) 1/2 turn right. lock step forward (or shuffle)
1 – 3Step left foot to the side, close right foot next to left, small step back with left foot.
4&Step right foot forward, lock left behind right.
5 – 7Step right foot forward, step left foot forward, 1/2 pivot turn right (weight ends on right)
8&Step left foot forward lock right behind left (6 o'clock).

Sec 3: Step forward, sweep 1/2 turn left, coaster step, rock forward, recover, 1/2 turn right, shuffle forward.
1 – 3Step left foot forward, make ½ turn left as you sweep right around infront of left, step onto right foot.
4 &Small step back onto left foot, close right next to left.
5 – 7Step left foot forward, rock right foot forward, recover back onto left (preparing to turn right).
8&Pivot 1/2 turn right stepping onto right foot forward, close left towards right. (6 o’clock).

Sec 4: Forward (completing shuffle) ¼ turn right, ¼ turn sweep behind, weave, side rock, ¼ turn coaster.
1 – 3Step right foot forward, 1/4 turn right left foot to the side, ¼ turn right sweeping right foot around from front to back.
4&Step onto right foot behind left, step left foot to the side.
5 – 7Step right foot across left, rock left foot out to the left side, recover onto right (preparing to turn left).
8&1/4 turn left stepping left foot back, right foot closes next to left. (9 o’clock)

Sec 5: Forward, rock forward, recover, ½ right turn into shuffle forward, ½ turn right, mambo back.
1 – 3Step left foot forward (complete coaster), rock right foot forward, recover back onto left. (preparing to turn right).
4&½ turn right stepping forward onto right foot, close left towards right.
5 – 7Step right foot forward, step left foot forward, make ½ turn right (keeping weight on the left foot).
8&Right foot mambo back, recover forward onto left (9 o’clock)

Sec 6: Long step forward, draw in, close, Kick, back touch forward, 3 count hip roll.
1 – 3Long step forward with right foot, draw left up towards right close left foot next to right.
4&Kick right foot forward, step back with right foot.
5 – 8Touch left toe on the spot (forward, knee bent). Roll hips around slowly for 3 counts (weight on right foot)
(9 o’clock)

4 count Tag end of 7th wall after hip roll
1Hold for 1 count.
&2Lift both heels, tap down with both heels
&3Lift both heels, tap down with both heels
&4Lift both heels, tap down with both heels (weight ends on right foot)

If you feel daring as you lift the heels thrust pelvis forward then back as you lower heels

Happy Dancing

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