CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pero Me Acuerdo De Ti (aka I Turn To You)

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Wil Bos (NL) & Roy Verdonk (NL) - May 2013
Pero Me Acuerdo de Tí - Christina Aguilera : (Album: Mi Reflejo)
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Start after 12 counts on vocals

Step ¼ R, Step Fwd, Pivot ¼ R, Cross Over, ½ L, Diag. Rock Fwd Recover, Step Back, ½ L Sweep, Rock Fwd Recover, Step ¼ R
1-2&3RF ¼ right and step fwd, LF step fwd, L+R ¼ turn right, LF cross over [6]
4&RF ¼ left and step back, LF ¼ left and step side [12]
5-6RF ? left and rock fwd, LF recover [10.30]
&7RF step back, LF ½ left and sweep RF fwd [4.30]
8&1RF cross rock fwd, LF ? right and recover [6]*, RF ¼ right and step fwd

Step Fwd, Pivot ½ R, ½ R Step Back, Walk Back x3, Cross Behind, ½ R, Cross Rock Behind Recover, Side
2&3LF step fwd, L+R ½ turn right, LF ½ right and step back [9]
4&5RF step back, LF step back, RF step back and sweep LF bkw
6&7LF cross behind, RF ¼ right and step fwd, LF ¼ right and step side [3]
8&1RF cross rock behind, LF recover, RF step side

Syncopated Weave, Side Rock Recover, Cross, ½ R, Weave Sweep
2&3&4LF cross behind, RF step side, LF cross over, RF step side, LF cross behind
&5RF rock side, LF recover
6&7RF cross over, LF ¼ right and step back, RF ¼ right and step side
8&1LF cross over, RF step side, LF cross over and sweep RF bkw [9]

Coaster Step, Pivot ½ R, Step, Pivot ½ L, ¼ L Sway, Sway
2&3RF step back, LF close beside, RF step fwd
4&5LF step fwd, L+R ½ turn right, LF step fwd
6&RF step fwd, R+L ½ turn left
7-8RF ¼ left and step/sway right, sway left

Start again

*Restart: Dance the 4th wall up to and including count 8& of the 1st section and start again

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