CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Dom Yates (UK) - May 2013
Hey Porsche - Nelly : (iTunes)
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40 Count Intro

[1-8] Syncopated Side Rocks, Sailor Step, Weave ¼ Turn
1,2&Rock right to side, recover onto left, step right in place
3,4Rock left to side, recover onto right
5&6Cross left behind right, step right in place, step left to side
7&8cross right behind left, make ¼ left stepping forward on left, step forward on right

[9-16] Step Pull x2, Walks Back, Coaster Step
1,2Step forward on left (no weight), drag left foot next to right taking weight
3,4Step forward on right (no weight), drag right foot next to left taking weight
5,6Walk back left, right
Alternative: Replace counts 5,6 with moonwalks
7&8Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left

[17-24] Step Drag, Knee Splits, Step Back, ½ Turn Right, Touch
1,2Step forward right, drag left next to right
&3&4Split knees apart and back together twice
5Step back right
6&7Step back on left, make ½ turn right stepping forward on right, step forward on left
8Touch right in place

[25-32] Modified Monterey Turns, Rolling Vine 1 ¼, Step
1,2Point right to side, make ½ turn right stepping right next to left
3,4Point left to side, make ¼ turn left stepping left next to right
5Point right to side
6&7Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, make ½ turn right stepping back on left, make ½ turn right stepping forward on right
8Step forward on left

[33-40] Pivot ½ Turn, ¾ Turn, Bump x3, ¾ Turn
1,2Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn to left
3Make ½ turn left stepping back on right
4,5,6Make ¼ turn left stepping left to side bumping to left, bump right, left
7,8Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, make ½ turn right stepping back on left

[41-48] Coaster Kick, Step Drag, Out Out, Swivels Together
1&2&Step back on right, step left next to right, kick right foot forward, step down on right
3,4Step forward left, drag right to touch next to left
5,6Step out right, left
7&8Bring both feet together swivelling both toes in, both heels in, both toes in

[49-56] Side, Weave ½ Turn, Sailor Step, Out Out Ball Cross
1Step right to side
2&3Cross left behind right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, make ¼ turn right stepping left to side
4&5Cross right behind left, step left in place, step right to side
6,7Step out left, right
&8Step left next to right, cross right over left

[57-64] Side Hold (Body Roll), Ball Side Rock ¼, ½ Turn Step Back, Coaster
1,2&Step left to side, hold (Option: Body Roll to Left), step right next to left
3,4Rock left to side, recover onto right making ¼ turn right
5,6Make ½ turn right stepping back on left, step back on right
7&8Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left

Start Again

Restart: Wall 5 after 36 Counts, ¼ turn bumping to the left facing 6 o’clock wall, Start again

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