Starts After 32 Counts on Vocals
Side, Sailor 1/4, Forward Coaster Step, Back, Lock, 1/2 Rock & Together.
1Step Left to Left side.
2&3Cross step Right behind Left, make 1/4 to Right stepping Left next to Right, step Right next to Left.
4&5Step forward on Left, step Right next to Left, step back on Left.
6-7Step back on Right, lock Left across Right.
8&1Make 1/2 turn to Right rocking forward on Right, recover on Left, step Right next to Left
Rock Back, Recover Lock Step Forward, Out, Out, Back Rock Side.
2-3Rock back on Left, recover on Right.
4&5Step forward on Left, lock Right behind Left, step forward on Left.
6 -7Step forward & out on Right, step out on Left.
8&1Cross rock Right behind Left, recover on Left, step Right to Right side.
Back Rock Side, Sailor 3/4, Side Rock, Recover, Behind Side Rock.
2&3Cross rock Left behind Right, recover on Right, step Left to Left side.
4&5Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping Right behind Left, 1/4 turn to Right stepping Left next to Right, 1/4 turn to Right cross stepping Right over Left.
6-7Rock Left to Left side, recover on Right. .
8&1Cross step Left behind Right, step Right to Right side, rock forward on Left.
Recover, 1/2, Step 1/2, 1/2, Coaster Cross, Rock & Cross .
2-3Recover on Right, make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left.
4&5Step forward on Right, pivot 1/2 turn to Left, 1/2 , turn to Left stepping back on Right.
6&7Step back on Left, step Right next to Left, cross step Left over Right.
8&1Make 1/8 turn to Right as you Rock Right to Right side, recover on Left, cross step Right over Left.(facing 1.30)
Hold, & Behind, & Cross & Cross, Press, Recover, Back Turn Side.
2&3Hold, step Left to Left side, cross step Right behind Left. .
&4Step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left.
&5Step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left. (Counts &3&4&5 travel towards Left corner diagonally 10.30).
6-7Press forward on Left into Left corner ( towards 10.30), recover on Right .
8&1Cross step Left behind Right, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping forward Right, 1/4 turn to Right stepping Left to Left side. ( facing 7:30)
Behind Turn Side, Step 3/8 Turn, Cross Shuffle, 1/8, Back, Back.
2&3Cross step Right behind Left, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping forward Left, step forward Right. (4:30)
4-5Step forward Left, step Right next to Left as you make 3/8 turn to Right.(9.00)
6&7Cross step Left over Right, step Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right.
8&1Make 1/8 turn to Left stepping back on Right, step back on Left, step back on Right.
1/4, Forward, Forward, 1/4, Back, Back, 1/8 Side, Together, Lock Step Forward.
2&31/4 to Left stepping forward Left, step forward Right, step forward Left
4&51/4 to Left stepping back on Right, step back on Left, step back on Right.
6-7Make 1/8 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side, step Right next to Left
8&1Step forward on Left, lock Right behind Left, step forward on Left.
Side Rock, Kick Cross, Coaster Step, Pivot 1/2, Walk, Walk.
2&3&Rock Right to Right side, recover on Left, kick Right slightly to Right diagonal, cross step Right over Left.
4&5Step back on Left, step Right next to Left, step forward on Left.
6Pivot 1/2 turn to Right.
7-8Walk forward Left-Right.
R* Restart: Wall 5
Dance Up To & Including Count 39 (Press, Recover)... Then..
8&1Cross step Left behind Right, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping forward Right, 1/8 turn to Right stepping Left to Left side. (6:00).... (Count 1 Restarting Dance)
Side, Sailor 1/4, Forward Coaster Step, Back, Lock, 1/2 Rock & Together.
1Step Left to Left side.
2&3Cross step Right behind Left, make 1/4 to Right stepping Left next to Right, step Right next to Left.
4&5Step forward on Left, step Right next to Left, step back on Left.
6-7Step back on Right, lock Left across Right.
8&1Make 1/2 turn to Right rocking forward on Right, recover on Left, step Right next to Left
Rock Back, Recover Lock Step Forward, Out, Out, Back Rock Side.
2-3Rock back on Left, recover on Right.
4&5Step forward on Left, lock Right behind Left, step forward on Left.
6 -7Step forward & out on Right, step out on Left.
8&1Cross rock Right behind Left, recover on Left, step Right to Right side.
Back Rock Side, Sailor 3/4, Side Rock, Recover, Behind Side Rock.
2&3Cross rock Left behind Right, recover on Right, step Left to Left side.
4&5Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping Right behind Left, 1/4 turn to Right stepping Left next to Right, 1/4 turn to Right cross stepping Right over Left.
6-7Rock Left to Left side, recover on Right. .
8&1Cross step Left behind Right, step Right to Right side, rock forward on Left.
Recover, 1/2, Step 1/2, 1/2, Coaster Cross, Rock & Cross .
2-3Recover on Right, make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left.
4&5Step forward on Right, pivot 1/2 turn to Left, 1/2 , turn to Left stepping back on Right.
6&7Step back on Left, step Right next to Left, cross step Left over Right.
8&1Make 1/8 turn to Right as you Rock Right to Right side, recover on Left, cross step Right over Left.(facing 1.30)
Hold, & Behind, & Cross & Cross, Press, Recover, Back Turn Side.
2&3Hold, step Left to Left side, cross step Right behind Left. .
&4Step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left.
&5Step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left. (Counts &3&4&5 travel towards Left corner diagonally 10.30).
6-7Press forward on Left into Left corner ( towards 10.30), recover on Right .
8&1Cross step Left behind Right, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping forward Right, 1/4 turn to Right stepping Left to Left side. ( facing 7:30)
Behind Turn Side, Step 3/8 Turn, Cross Shuffle, 1/8, Back, Back.
2&3Cross step Right behind Left, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping forward Left, step forward Right. (4:30)
4-5Step forward Left, step Right next to Left as you make 3/8 turn to Right.(9.00)
6&7Cross step Left over Right, step Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right.
8&1Make 1/8 turn to Left stepping back on Right, step back on Left, step back on Right.
1/4, Forward, Forward, 1/4, Back, Back, 1/8 Side, Together, Lock Step Forward.
2&31/4 to Left stepping forward Left, step forward Right, step forward Left
4&51/4 to Left stepping back on Right, step back on Left, step back on Right.
6-7Make 1/8 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side, step Right next to Left
8&1Step forward on Left, lock Right behind Left, step forward on Left.
Side Rock, Kick Cross, Coaster Step, Pivot 1/2, Walk, Walk.
2&3&Rock Right to Right side, recover on Left, kick Right slightly to Right diagonal, cross step Right over Left.
4&5Step back on Left, step Right next to Left, step forward on Left.
6Pivot 1/2 turn to Right.
7-8Walk forward Left-Right.
R* Restart: Wall 5
Dance Up To & Including Count 39 (Press, Recover)... Then..
8&1Cross step Left behind Right, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping forward Right, 1/8 turn to Right stepping Left to Left side. (6:00).... (Count 1 Restarting Dance)