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Save Tonight For Me

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Heidi Van Sinten (NL) - March 2013
Save Tonight for Me - Hal Ketchum : (CD: One More Midnight)
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Intro; short intro (5 sec). After the guitarsound, Start on the word …Sun

[1-8&] R Step Back-L Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross Rock, Recover, 2x 1/4 turn L, Behind, Side, L Cross Rock, Recover, L Side, Cross
1-2&RF step diagonal R.backwards -sweep LF back, LF cross behind RF, RF step to the side
3-4&LF rock in front of RF, recover weight on RF, 1/4 turn left step LF forward (9)
5-6&1/4 turn left- RF big step to the side, LF cross behind RF, RF step to the side (6)
7&8&LF rock in front of RF, recover weight on RF, LF step to the side, RF cross over LF

[9-17] 1/2 Diamond shape; L diagonal Back, Back, Together, 1/4 right R Forward, Run, Run, L Forward, 1/2 turn Right, L Forward, Chassé Right
1-2&LF step diagonal left backwards, RF step back, LF step beside RF (7.30)
3-4&1/4 turn right step RF forward, LF little step forward, RF little step forward (10.30)
5-6-7LF step forward, 1/2 turn right weight on RF, LF step forward (4.30)
8&11/8 turn left(to straight wall) RF step to the side, LF step beside RF, *RF step to the side(*Restart wall2&5)(3)

[18-24] L Back Rock, Recover, L Side-R Sweep, Cross, Back, R Back Rock, Recover, 1/2 turn L together, L Back Rock, Recover
2&3LF rock backwards, recover weight on RF, LF big step to the side-Sweep RF forward
4&5-6RF cross over LF, LF step back, RF rock backwards, recover weight on LF (3)
&7-81/2 turn left step RF next to LF, LF rock backwards, recover weight on RF (9)

[25-32&] L Rock forward, Recover, Side Rock, Recover, Back Rock, Recover, 1/2 turn R step L Back, R Coasterstep, Forward, R Forward, 1/2 turn Left, (1/2 turn left on ball of LF to start dance again RF Back)
1&2&LF rock forward, recover weight on RF, LF rock to left side, recover weight on RF
3&4LF rock backwards, recover weight on RF, 1/2 turn right step LF back (3)
5&6RF step back, LF step next to RF, RF step forward
7-8&LF step forward, RF step forward, 1/2 turn left recover weight on LF (9)
(add a 1/2 turn left on ball of LF to start the dance again with 1 RF step diagonal back…) (3)

*Restarts; In wall 2 and 5 is a restart, dance untill count 16& (chassé), finish the chassé ,
The last step to the right is count 1 of the dance.
Restart in wall 2 you’re facing the back wall(6) and in wall 5 facing the side wall(3)

*Tag; After wall 3 (9) is a little 4 count tag;
Back, Back rock, Recover, Forward, Forward rock, Recover
1-2&RF step backwards, LF rock back, recover weight on RF
3-4&LF step forward, RF rock forward, recover weight on LF

Start the dance again & Keep On Smiling!!!


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