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2 Little Turtles

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Sandy Kerrigan (AUS) - February 2013
Happy Together - The Turtles : (iTunes)
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Step Side, Behind, ¼ Fwd, ½ Pivot Turn, ½ Step Back, Step Back, Left Shuffle Back
1 2 & 3Step R to R Side, Cross L behind R, ¼ Turn R Step Fwd R, Step Fwd L
4 5 6½ Pivot Turn R-wt on R, ½ Turn R Step Back on L, Step Back R
7 & 8Step Back L, Step R next to L, Step Back on L 3:00

Back Rock Step, Fwd Dorothy Step, Fwd Rock Step, ¼ L with Fwd Push Rock Step,
1 2 3 4 &Rock Back on R, Replace Fwd to L, Step Fwd R, Lock L behind R, Step Fwd R
5 6 7 8Rock Fwd on L, Rep back to R, Turning ¼ L-Push/Rock Fwd to L, Rep to R 12:00

¼ L with Fwd Push Rock Step, Together, Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Cross, Point (travel fwd)
1 2 &Turning ¼ L-Push/Rock Fwd to L, Rep to R, Step L next to R
3 4 5 6Cross R over L, Point L to L Side, Cross L over R, Point R to R Side
7 8Cross R over L, Point L to L Side 3:00

Cross, Back, Back, Cross, Step Back, ½ Step Fwd, Fwd with ½ Pivot Turn R, Step Fwd L
1 2 & 3Cross L over R, Step Back on R, Step Back on L, Cross R over L
4 5 6Step Straight Back on L, ½ Turn R Step Fwd R, Step Fwd L
7 8½ Pivot Turn R-wt on R, Step Fwd on L 9:00

NOTE: End of Wall 7 facing 3:00 Wall, add the following tag..
1&2&Scuff R Fwd, Step R next to L, Scuff L Fwd, Step L next to R
3&4&Scuff R Fwd, Step R next to L, Scuff L Fwd, Step L next to R

Special Note: This dance is dedicated to Emily and Pascal, wishing you both the Happy ever after you deserve…congratulations on your wedding day!
So Happy Together
So Happy Together
(ba-ba-ba-ba..) 2 Little Turtles….

Contact: - / 0412 723 326

Em morgan March 4, 2013
I feel so special to have a dance dedicated to us for our wedding. What a beautiful present from a very talented and wonderful teacher and choreographer. Thank you Sandy! x

Ra March 5, 2013
Thanks Sandy for a wonderful and lasting memory of Em and Pascal's wedding day.

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