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My Tractor's Sexy

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Pat Stott (UK) & Lizzie Stott (UK) - February 2013
She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy - Kenny Chesney : (CD: Greatest Hits)
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32 count intro

Section 1: Stomp, Hold, Sailor Step (x 2)
1 – 2Stomp right to right side. Hold. Stomp Hold On the spot
3 & 4Cross left behind right. Step right to right side. Step left to place. Sailor Step
5 – 8Repeat counts 1 - 4.

Section 2: Kick Ball 1/4 Turn x 3, Kick Ball Change
1 & 2Kick right forward. Step on ball of right turning 1/4 left. Step left beside right.
3 & 4Repeat counts 1 & 2.
5 & 6Repeat counts 1 & 2.
7 & 8Kick right forward. Step on ball of right. Step left beside right.
Restart Wall 3: Start dance again from the beginning (facing 9:00).

Section 3: Stomp, Hold, Hip Bumps (x 2)
1 – 2Stomp right diagonally forward right. Hold.
3 & 4Bump hips - right, left, right. (Optional: bend knees, bumping hips down and up).
5 – 6Stomp left diagonally forward left. Hold.
7 & 8Bump hips - left, right, left. (Optional: bend knees, bumping hips down and up).

Section 4: Chug Forward x 4, & Forward Rock, Coaster Step
1 – 2Pop right knee as you slide right forward. Pop left knee as you slide left forward.
3 – 4Pop right knee as you slide right forward. Pop left knee as you slide left forward.
& 5 – 6Rock forward on right. Recover onto left.
7 & 8Step right back. Step left beside right. Step right back.

Section 5: Forward Rock, Back Lock Step, ‘Sexy’ Slide Back with Knee Pops x 4
1 – 2Rock forward on left. Recover onto right.
3 & 4Step left back. Lock right across left. Step left back.
5 – 6Slide right back popping left knee. Slide left back popping right knee.
7 – 8Slide right back popping left knee. Slide left back popping right knee.
Styling Optional ‘sexy’ slides: left hip moves side to side when doing the knee pops.

Section 6: Point, Hold/Clap, & Point, Hold/Clap, Heel Switches x 3, Hook/Clap
1 & 2Point right to right side. Hold and clap hands twice.
& 3 & 4Step right beside left. Point left to left side. Hold and clap hands twice.
& 5 & 6Step left beside right. Touch right heel forward. Step right beside left. Touch left heel forward.
& 7 – 8Step left beside right. Touch right heel forward. Hook right in front of left and clap.

Section 7: Stomp Forward, Slide With Heel Rises (Right and Left)
1Stomp right diagonally forward right.
2 – 4Slide right forward raising and lowering right heel x 3 (weight onto right, count 4).
5Stomp left diagonally forward left.
6 – 8Slide left forward raising and lowering left heel x3 (weight onto left, count 8).
Arms (Optional) 1 - 4: right arm forward, palm down, slowly moving it round to right.
5 - 8left arm forward, palm down, slowly moving it round to left.

Section 8: Forward Rock, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Turning Switches 1/2 Turn
1 – 2Rock forward on right. Recover onto left.
3 & 4Shuffle step 1/2 turn right, stepping - right, left, right.
5 &Tap left toe behind right. Step left beside right and turn 1/4 left.
6 &Tap right toe behind left. Step right beside left and turn 1/4 left.
7 & 8Touch left heel forward. Step left beside right. Tap right toe beside left.

Restart: One Restart, during Wall 3

Ending Music fades during section 6: finish with a right stomp forward after the hook.


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