Right shuffle, left shuffle, step turn 1/2 left, stomp stomp.
1&2Step right forward, left next to right, step right forward
3&4Step left forward, right next to left, step left forward
5-6Step right forward, turn 1/2 left, weight ends on left. (6.00)
7-8Stomp right, stomp left
Kick ball step, turn 1/8 right shuffle forward, step turn 1/2 right, 1/4 turn left chasse
1&2Kick right diagonally (7.30), step right next to left, step left diagonally forward (7.30)
3&4Turn 1/8 right (9.00), step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
5-6Step left forward, turn 1/2 right (3.00),
7&8Turn ΒΌ right (6.00) Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side.
Cross, back, side, touch, left shuffle forward, step turn 1/8 right
1-2Cross right over left, step left back
3-4Step right to right side, touch left next to right
5&6Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward
7-8Step right forward, turn 1/8 right (4.30)
Syncopated weave left, left side rock, left sailor step
1&2&Step right diagonally behind left (10.30), (straighten up to 3.00) step left to left side, step right cross over left, step left to left side
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right cross over left
5-6Rock left to left side, recover weight on to right
7&8Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side and slightly forward
1&2Step right forward, left next to right, step right forward
3&4Step left forward, right next to left, step left forward
5-6Step right forward, turn 1/2 left, weight ends on left. (6.00)
7-8Stomp right, stomp left
Kick ball step, turn 1/8 right shuffle forward, step turn 1/2 right, 1/4 turn left chasse
1&2Kick right diagonally (7.30), step right next to left, step left diagonally forward (7.30)
3&4Turn 1/8 right (9.00), step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
5-6Step left forward, turn 1/2 right (3.00),
7&8Turn ΒΌ right (6.00) Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side.
Cross, back, side, touch, left shuffle forward, step turn 1/8 right
1-2Cross right over left, step left back
3-4Step right to right side, touch left next to right
5&6Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward
7-8Step right forward, turn 1/8 right (4.30)
Syncopated weave left, left side rock, left sailor step
1&2&Step right diagonally behind left (10.30), (straighten up to 3.00) step left to left side, step right cross over left, step left to left side
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right cross over left
5-6Rock left to left side, recover weight on to right
7&8Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side and slightly forward