CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Boom Boom Boom

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Tan Candy (SG) & William Sevone (UK) - October 2012
Paparazzi - Girls' Generation : (Single - iTunes)
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Dance sequence:- TAG1-64-64-TAG1-64-48-64-TAG2-32-64
Choreographers note:- Take note of the basic hand-body styling suggestion.. add your own for more effect.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts with TAG 1 after the 32 count intro.

Side Rock. Rec. 2x Slow Sailor (12:00)
1 – 2Rock right to right. Recover onto left.
3 – 4Cross right behind left. Step left next to right
5Step right to right side.
6 – 7Cross left behind right. Step right next to left.
8Step left to left side.

Foot Flick: Side-Across. Side. Touch. Side. 2x 1/4 Side Rock-Recover (6:00)
&9 – 10Lift right foot & flick to right, flick right foot across front of left knee/thigh. Step right to right side.
11 – 12Touch left next to right. Step left to left side.
13 – 14Turn ¼ left & step right to right (9). Recover onto left.
15 – 16Turn ¼ left & step right to right (6). Recover onto left.
Style Note Body-Hands: Count 11-12 - Slight body wave/roll from R to L & touch head with R hand

Together. Side. Cross Unwind 1/2. Toe Cross-Together-Toe Cross. Together-Out-Out (12:00)
17 – 18Step right next to left. Step left to left side.
19 – 20Cross right over left. Unwind ½ left (12).
21& 22Touch left toe over right, step left next to right, touch right toe over left
&23-24Step right next to left, step out onto left, step out onto right.

Heel Swivel. 2x Diagonal Knee Dip. Heel Swivel (12:00)
25 – 26Swivel heels: Left-Right
27 – 28body diagonally left (10.30) – Dip right knee to create sitting position. Hold
29 – 30straighten up & turn diagonally right (1.30) – Dip left knee to create sitting position. Hold
31 – 32straighten up & Swivel heels: Right-Left
Style Note Hands: Count 27-30 - When doing knee dip, bring hands up to face like holding camera
RESTART WALL 6 – restart dance from count 1

3x Diagonal Back-Toe Switch (12:00).
33 – 34Step right diagonally backward right. Touch left next to right.
35 – 36Step left diagonally backward left. Touch right next to left.
37 – 38Step right diagonally backward right. Touch left next to right.
39& 40Point left to left side, step left next to right, point right to right side.
Style Note: Hands: Count 33-38
(Right foot back) stretch right arm back & left arm forward
(Left foot back) stretch left arm back & right arm forward
On ‘Touch’ - clap hands.

Hitch-Swing-Side. Hip Roll-Drag. 4x Knee ‘Pop’ (12:00)
41& 42Hitch right knee across left, swing knee to right, step right to right side.
43 – 44Roll hips anticlockwise & drag right toward left.
45 – 46Transfer weight to right & ‘pop’ left knee, transfer weight to left & ‘pop’ right knee
47 – 48Repeat count 7-8
RESTART WALL 4 – restart dance from Count 1

Fwd. Cross. 1/4 Back. Back Touch. Fwd. Pivot 1/2. Fwd. 1/4 Point (12:00)
49 – 50Step forward onto right. Cross left over right
51 – 52Turn ¼ left & step back onto right (9). Point left toe backward.
53 – 54Step fwd on left. Pivot ½ right (3)
55 – 56Step forward onto left & turn. Turn ¼ left & point right toe to right side (12)

Touch: Together-Out-Together. Fwd. 1/2 Right Back. 2x Knee ‘Pop’-Hold (6:00)
57& 58Touch right beside left, touch right to right side, touch right beside left.
59 – 60Step forward onto right. Turn ½ right & step backward onto left (6)
61 – 62stepping right next to left - ‘Pop’ left knee. Hold.
63 – 64Transfer weight to left & ‘pop’ right knee. Hold.


TAG 1 (pre main dance and after Wall 2)
2x Side-Touch. Back. Touch. Forward. Touch
1 – 2Step right to right side. Touch left next to right.
3 – 4Step left to left side. Touch right next to left.
5 – 6` Step backward onto right. Touch left next to right
7 – 8Step forward onto left. Touch right next to left.
Option for count 5 to 8:
5-6Step back on right. Step left next to right
7&8&Step forward onto right, lock left behind right, repeat count 7&

Diagonal. Out. Hip Roll-Drag. Foot Flick: Side-Across. Side. Touch. Side
9 – 10Step right diagonally forward right. Step left out.
11 – 12Roll hips anticlockwise & drag right next to left
&13-14Lift right foot & flick to right, flick right foot across front of left knee/thigh, step right to right side.
15 – 16Touch left next to right. Step left to left side.
Style Note: Body-Hands: Count 15-16 - Slight body wave/roll from R to L & touch head with R hand

Style Note: End of Wall 2 only: Boom x3
Hands: L hand stretch fwd doing camera up-down, then bring both LH & RH to face doing camera, throw both hands up & down on last BOOM

TAG 2 (after Wall 5 including restarts)
2x Side-Touch. 2x 1/4 Side Rock-Recover (6:00)
1 – 2Step right to right side. Touch left next to right
3 – 4Step left to left side. Touch right next to left.
5 – 6Turn ¼ left & rock right to right side (9). Recover onto left.
7 – 8Turn ¼ left & rock right to right side (6). Recover onto left.

Wall 4: Restart after 48 counts
Wall 6: Restart after 32 counts

DANCE FINISH The dance will end on count 64 of the 7th Wall (including restarts) – facing ‘Home’.
Final Pose: Boom x3
Hands: L hand stretch fwd doing camera up-down, then bring LH to face doing half camera, on last BOOM RH joins LH doing full camera & R leg touch to R side with knee turned towards L leg.

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