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Bad With Ya Baby

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Jacob Ballard (USA) & Jane Boyd (USA) - October 2012
I Wanna Be Bad - Willa Ford : (Album: Willa Was Here - 2001)
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Intro: 32 count (21 seconds)

Modified Chase Turn, Rock, Recover, Side, 1/2, Touch, 1/4, Rock, Recover
1&2Step R forward, Turn 1/2 R on ball of R foot while stepping L next to R, Step R to R side
3-4&Cross-rock L over R, Recover, Step L to L side
5&6Turn 1/2 L stepping R to R side, Touch L next to R while dipping down slightly, Turn 1/4 L stepping forward on L raising from dip
7-8Rock R forward, Recover

Ball, Cross, 1/4, 1/4 with point, 1/2 Sailor, Step, Syncopated Mambos
&1&2Step R to R side, Cross L over R, Turn 1/4 R stepping forward on R, Turn 1/4 R pointing L to side
3&4Half turning (to the L) sailor step
5Step R foot forward
6&7L Mambo with a cross
&8&R Mambo with a cross

Weave, Prep, 1/2, Cross, Step Back, Rock Back, Recover
1&2Step L to L side, Cross R behind L, Big Step to L
3&4Cross R over L, Step L to L side, Step R next to L
5&6Cross L over R (Prep), Turn 1/2 L stepping back on R, Step L across R
7-8&Step R back, Rock back on L, Recover on R (Prep)

1/2, 1/2, Step to Side, Rock, Recover, Weave, 1/4, 1/2
1&2Turn 1/2 R stepping back on L, Turn 1/2 R stepping forward on R, Big step L dragging R
3-4Cross-rock R behind L, Recover on L
&5&6Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L across R (Prep)
7-8Turn 1/4 to L stepping back on L, Turn 1/2 to L stepping forward on L
***Reboot happens here – after end of Wall 3

Step, 1/4 with cross, Step back, Weave, Sweep, Back, Rock, Recover, Cross Behind
1-2Large step forward on R, Make 1/4 turn L crossing L over R
3&4Step back on R, Step L to L side, Cross R over L
&5-6Step L to L side, Cross R behind L while sweeping L from front to back, Cross L behind R
7&8Rock R to R side, Recover on L, Cross R behind L

Side, Cross-rock, Recover, Side, Together, Side, Together, 1/4, Step, Mambo with 1/2
&1-2Step L to L side, Cross rock R over L, Recover on L
3&4&5Step R to R, Step L next to R, Step R to R, Step L next to R, Make ¼ turn R stepping R forward.
6-7&8Step forward on L, Mambo with1/2 turn to R

Run, Run, Touch in, Touch out, Flick, Step, Step and push hips forward, 1/4 bumping hips, Run 3/4
&1&2Run L, Run R, Touch L next to R, Touch L out to L side bending R knee and getting low
3-4Pull L toe in towards R foot and flick toe back while slightly hitching L knee, Step L forward
5-6Step forward on R pushing hips forward, Make ¼ turn to L stepping on L and pushing hips to L
7&8&Cross R over L, Turn 1/4 L stepping forward on L, Turn 1/4 L stepping forward on R, Turn 1/4 L crossing L over R

Lunge, Recover 1/2, Side shuffle with 1/4, Pivot 3/4, Out, Out, In, Touch
1-2Lunge R to side slightly toward the R diagonal, Recover weight back to L making 1/2 turn R (R should now be crossed over L, almost like a spiral)
3&4Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Turn 1/4 R stepping forward on R
5-6Step forward on L, Pivot 3/4 to R taking weight onto R
7&8&Step L to L side, Step R to R side, Step L in towards R, Touch R next to L

TAG: One time happens at the end of Wall 1 (Optional – You can also do the Tag as an Intro!!!)
Shuffle, Big Step Back Dragging Heel, Bump and Bump 2x
1&2Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
3-4Big step back on L, Drag R heel back
5&6Bump hips RLR
7&8Bump hips LRL

Shuffle, Big Step Back Dragging Heel, Step Out, Hip Rolls, Touch
1&2Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
3-4Big step back on L, Drag R heel back
5-6-7-8Step R out to R side begin counterclockwise hip rolls, Continue hip rolls for 6-7, Finish hip rolls and touch R next to L (Get sexy!!)

Have FUN!!!! Be “BAD” in a good way!!

Any questions???
Contact us: Jacob Ballard: Jane Boyd:
or find us on Facebook.

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