Starts After 32 Counts - Start With Feet Shoulder Width Apart & Weight Even
1/4 Twist, Rock & Cross, Step, 1/2 Pivot, Step, 1/2 Pivot, Step.
1Make 1/4 turn to Left swivelling both heels to the Right. (Turn is on the spot & weight transfers to Left)
2&3Rock Right to Right side, recover on Left, cross step Right over Left.
4-5Step forward on Left, pivot 1/2 turn to Right.
6-7Step forward on Left, pivot 1/2 turn to Right
8Step forward on Left.
Step, Mambo Step, Back, 1/4, Cross Rock Side, Cross.
1Step forward on Right.
2&3Rock forward on Left, recover on Right, step back on Left.
4-5Step back on Right. Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side.
6&7Cross rock Right over Left, recover on Left, step Right to Right side.
8Cross step Left over Right.
1/2 Unwind, Right Lock Back, 1/2, 1/4, Back Rock Side, 1/2 Hinge.
1Unwind sharp1/2 turn to Right. (weight on Left)
2&3Step back on Right, lock Left over Right, step back on Right.
4-5Make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left. Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Right to Right side.
6&7Rock back on Left, recover on Right, step Left to Left side.
8Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping Right to Right side.
1/2 Hinge, Sailor Step, Sailor 1/2 Cross, Bounce Full Turn, Step.
1Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping Left to Left side.
2&3Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to left side, step Right to Right side.
4&5Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left next to Right, 1/4 turn Left stepping Right next to Left, cross step Left over Right.
6-8Make 1/2 turn to Right with a bounce raising Right heel & Left toe. 1/2 turn to Right with a bounce raising both toes, step forward on Right. (on the spot turning with lttle bounce of knees)
Back, Shuffle Back, Back, Out Out In Cross, 1/4, 1/4.
1Step back on Left.
2&3Step back on Right, step together with Left, step back on Right.
4Step back on Left.
&5&6Step out on Right, step out on Left, step Right next to Left, cross step Left over Right.
7-8Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping back on Right, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side.
Sweep/Hop, Behind, Side, Cross & Cross, Jazz Box 1/4.
1Step Right just behind Left (with a small hop) as Left sweeps out to side.
2-3Cross step Left behind Right, step Right to Right side.
4&5Cross step Left over Right, step Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right.
6-8Cross step Right over Left, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping back on Left, step Right to Right side.
& Side Rock, & Side 1/2 Together, Heel & Heel & Big Step, Together.
&1-2Step Left next to Right, rock Right to Right side, recover on Left.
&3-4Step Right next to left, step Left to Left side, make 1/2 turn to Right stepping Right next to Left.
5&6Touch Left heel forward, step Left next to Right, touch Right heel forward.
&7-8Step Right next to Left, large step forward on Left (upper body leans back slightly), step Right next to Left.
Rock Step, & Back, Back, Touch Back, 1/2 Step 1/4.
1-2Rock forward on Left, recover on Right.
&3-4Step Left next to Right, walk back Right-Left.
5-6Touch Right toe back, make 1/2 turn to Right taking weight on Right.
7-8Step forward on Left, pivot 1/4 turn to Right. (feet shoulder width apart to begin again with 1/4 swivel to Left)
1/4 Twist, Rock & Cross, Step, 1/2 Pivot, Step, 1/2 Pivot, Step.
1Make 1/4 turn to Left swivelling both heels to the Right. (Turn is on the spot & weight transfers to Left)
2&3Rock Right to Right side, recover on Left, cross step Right over Left.
4-5Step forward on Left, pivot 1/2 turn to Right.
6-7Step forward on Left, pivot 1/2 turn to Right
8Step forward on Left.
Step, Mambo Step, Back, 1/4, Cross Rock Side, Cross.
1Step forward on Right.
2&3Rock forward on Left, recover on Right, step back on Left.
4-5Step back on Right. Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side.
6&7Cross rock Right over Left, recover on Left, step Right to Right side.
8Cross step Left over Right.
1/2 Unwind, Right Lock Back, 1/2, 1/4, Back Rock Side, 1/2 Hinge.
1Unwind sharp1/2 turn to Right. (weight on Left)
2&3Step back on Right, lock Left over Right, step back on Right.
4-5Make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left. Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Right to Right side.
6&7Rock back on Left, recover on Right, step Left to Left side.
8Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping Right to Right side.
1/2 Hinge, Sailor Step, Sailor 1/2 Cross, Bounce Full Turn, Step.
1Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping Left to Left side.
2&3Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to left side, step Right to Right side.
4&5Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left next to Right, 1/4 turn Left stepping Right next to Left, cross step Left over Right.
6-8Make 1/2 turn to Right with a bounce raising Right heel & Left toe. 1/2 turn to Right with a bounce raising both toes, step forward on Right. (on the spot turning with lttle bounce of knees)
Back, Shuffle Back, Back, Out Out In Cross, 1/4, 1/4.
1Step back on Left.
2&3Step back on Right, step together with Left, step back on Right.
4Step back on Left.
&5&6Step out on Right, step out on Left, step Right next to Left, cross step Left over Right.
7-8Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping back on Right, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side.
Sweep/Hop, Behind, Side, Cross & Cross, Jazz Box 1/4.
1Step Right just behind Left (with a small hop) as Left sweeps out to side.
2-3Cross step Left behind Right, step Right to Right side.
4&5Cross step Left over Right, step Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right.
6-8Cross step Right over Left, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping back on Left, step Right to Right side.
& Side Rock, & Side 1/2 Together, Heel & Heel & Big Step, Together.
&1-2Step Left next to Right, rock Right to Right side, recover on Left.
&3-4Step Right next to left, step Left to Left side, make 1/2 turn to Right stepping Right next to Left.
5&6Touch Left heel forward, step Left next to Right, touch Right heel forward.
&7-8Step Right next to Left, large step forward on Left (upper body leans back slightly), step Right next to Left.
Rock Step, & Back, Back, Touch Back, 1/2 Step 1/4.
1-2Rock forward on Left, recover on Right.
&3-4Step Left next to Right, walk back Right-Left.
5-6Touch Right toe back, make 1/2 turn to Right taking weight on Right.
7-8Step forward on Left, pivot 1/4 turn to Right. (feet shoulder width apart to begin again with 1/4 swivel to Left)