CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Tell Me Anything

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High Improver
Tina Argyle (UK) - September 2012
Under the Sun - Cheryl : (Album: A million Lights, Deluxe - Single)
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Count In : 32 counts from start of track

Mambo Forward. Mambo back. Side Rock, Cross. Weave.
1&2Rock right forward, recover weight onto left. Step back right.
3&4Rock back onto left, recover weight onto right. Step forward left.
5&6Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left, cross right over left.
&7Step left to left side, cross right behind left.
&8Step left to left side, cross right over left.

Rhumba Box ¼ Turn & Cross & Heel & Cross & Point
1&2Step left to left side, step right at side of left, Make 1/8th turn left stepping fwd. left to face top left corner
3&4Make 1/8th turn left stepping right to right side (squaring up to 9 o’clock wall), step left at side of right. Step back right.
&5Step back onto left to left, Cross right over left.
&6Step back onto left. Touch right heel forward to right diagonal
&7Step back onto right, cross left over right.
&8Step right to right side. Point left toe to left side.
RESTART *** Here on WALL 4 - step left at side of right and RE - START from the beginning of dance ***

Monterey ¼ Turn & Point & Touch, Touch, Point. Sailor ¼ Turn Right. Ball, Slide Forward, Step Together.
&Step left at side of right.
1&2Touch right to right side. ¼ turn right stepping right at side of left. Touch left to left side. (12 o’clock)
&3Step left at side of right. Touch right to right side.
&4Touch right forward across left, Touch right to right side.
5&6Cross right behind left, make ¼ turn right stepping left next to right, step forward on right. (3 o’clock)
&7-8Step left next to right, Take big step forward onto right. Step left next to right taking weight.

R fwd Rock, Side Rock, Behind, Side, Cross. Side rock Cross ½ Hinge Turn.
1&Rock forward right, recover onto left.
2&Rock right to right side, recover onto left.
3&4Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left.
5&6Rock left to left side, recover weight onto right, cross left over right.
7 - 8¼ turn left stepping back right, ¼ turn left stepping left to left side. (9 0’clock)

JeannieR September 14, 2012
Great dance , something a bit different and fun to do !

WonderWebb September 14, 2012

This little dance 'Tell Me Anything' feels good and to a great track by Cheryl Cole.The class enjoyed dancing it last night.

Paula September 21, 2012
Enjoyed leaning and fun to dance, steps flow well

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