Start dance on vocals
Walks forward, rock, recover, coaster step
1-4Walk forward RT, LF, RT, LF
5,6Rock RT forward, recover back on LF
7&8Step RT back, step LF next to RT, step RT forward
(Optional Styling on counts 1-4: Take a small hop forward on RT while dragging LF to RT (1), small hop forward on LF while dragging RT to LF (2), repeat once more for counts 3,4)
Toe strut, triple full turn, rock, recover, triple across
1,2Touch LF toe to LF side, drop LF heel down putting weight on LF
3&4Make a full turn while stepping RT, LF, RT
5,6Rock LF to LF side, recover weight to RT
7&8Step LF across RT, step RT to RT side, step LF across RT
Rock, recover, behind, side, cross, rock recover, cross unwind
1,2Rock RT to RT side, recover to LF
3&4Step RT behind LF, step LF to LF side, step RT across LF
5,6Rock LF to LF side, recover to RT
7,8Touch Lf toe behind RT, unwind turning ¾ of a turn to LF ending with weight on LF
Pivot, Triple across, ¼ turn, ½ turn, kick ball touch
1,2Step RT forward, pivot ¼ turn to the LF shifting weight to LF
3&4Step RT across LF, step LF to LF side, step RT across LF
5,6Make ¼ turn RT while stepping LF back, Make ½ turn RT while stepping RT forward
7&8Kick LF forward, step LF next to RT, touch RT next to LF
1st Tag: Done after completing wall #5
1,2Step RT to RT, touch LF behind RT
3,4Step LF to LF, touch RT behind LF
5-8Make ¼ turn LF while touching RT to RT side, Make ¼ turn LF while touching RT to RT side, Make ¼ turn LF while touching RT to RT side, Make ¼ turn LF while touching RT to RT side
2nd Tag: Done after completing wall #12
1-4Step RT to RT side, roll hips around clockwise ending with weight on LF
Walks forward, rock, recover, coaster step
1-4Walk forward RT, LF, RT, LF
5,6Rock RT forward, recover back on LF
7&8Step RT back, step LF next to RT, step RT forward
(Optional Styling on counts 1-4: Take a small hop forward on RT while dragging LF to RT (1), small hop forward on LF while dragging RT to LF (2), repeat once more for counts 3,4)
Toe strut, triple full turn, rock, recover, triple across
1,2Touch LF toe to LF side, drop LF heel down putting weight on LF
3&4Make a full turn while stepping RT, LF, RT
5,6Rock LF to LF side, recover weight to RT
7&8Step LF across RT, step RT to RT side, step LF across RT
Rock, recover, behind, side, cross, rock recover, cross unwind
1,2Rock RT to RT side, recover to LF
3&4Step RT behind LF, step LF to LF side, step RT across LF
5,6Rock LF to LF side, recover to RT
7,8Touch Lf toe behind RT, unwind turning ¾ of a turn to LF ending with weight on LF
Pivot, Triple across, ¼ turn, ½ turn, kick ball touch
1,2Step RT forward, pivot ¼ turn to the LF shifting weight to LF
3&4Step RT across LF, step LF to LF side, step RT across LF
5,6Make ¼ turn RT while stepping LF back, Make ½ turn RT while stepping RT forward
7&8Kick LF forward, step LF next to RT, touch RT next to LF
1st Tag: Done after completing wall #5
1,2Step RT to RT, touch LF behind RT
3,4Step LF to LF, touch RT behind LF
5-8Make ¼ turn LF while touching RT to RT side, Make ¼ turn LF while touching RT to RT side, Make ¼ turn LF while touching RT to RT side, Make ¼ turn LF while touching RT to RT side
2nd Tag: Done after completing wall #12
1-4Step RT to RT side, roll hips around clockwise ending with weight on LF