CopperKnob Stepsheets

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One Star Flag

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Vincent Dijks - Versteegh (NL) - September 2012
One Star Flag - Casey Donahew Band
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Intro: 32 Counts

R side, L step behind, ¼ turn R, scuff, step, lock, step, scuff
1R step side
2cross left behind
3¼ turn right, step R fwd
4L scuff fwd
5step fwd on left
6R cross behind
7step fwd on left
8R scuff fwd

R rock fwd, R rock back, ½ montery turn R
1R rock fwd
2recover on L
3R rock back
4recover on L
5point right to side
6½ turn right, close right next to left
7point left to side
8close L to right

R lock step back, L kick fwd, L coaster step, R stomp up
1R step back
2cross L over R
3R step back
4kick L fwd
5L step back
6close right
7L step fwd
8stomp up with right

R step fwd, L touch & clap, L step back, R touch & clap, ¼ turn montery R with touch
1R step diagonal fwd
2touch L to right and clap
3L step diagonal backwards
4touch R to L and clap
5point R to right side
6¼ turn right, close R
7point L to side
8touch L to R

L side, behind, side, scuff, cross, ¼ turn R, side, cross
1L step side
2R cross behind
3L step side
4R scuff fwd
5R cross over L
6L ¼ turn right backwards
7R step side
8L cross over R
*Restart on wall 4

R diogonal lock step, L diogonal lock step, R stomp up 2x
1R step diagonal fwd
2L cross behind
3R step diagonal fwd
4L step diagonal fwd
5R cross behind
6L step diagonal fwd
7R stomp up
8R stomp

R side, behind, side, cross, side rock, cross, clap
1R step side
2L cross behind
3R step side
4L cross over
5R side rock
6recover on L
7R cross over
8rest and clap

L side, behind, side, cross, side rock, cross, clap
1L step side
2R cross behind
3L step side
4R cross over
5L side rock
6recover on R
7L cross over
8rest and clap

RESTART: Wall 4 after count 40

TAG: After the 6th wall
R stomp, swivel, L stomp, swivel
1R stomp fwd
2R toe swivel outside
3R toe swivel back
4R toe swivel outside
5L stomp fwd
6L toe swivel outside
7L toe swivel back
8L toe swivel outside
Repeat this 8 counts

Jazz box
1R cross over L
3L step back
5R step side
7L cross over R

R side, L step behind, ¼ turn R, scuff, step, lock, step, scuff
1R step side
2cross left behind
3¼ turn right, step R fwd
4L scuff fwd
5step fwd on left
6R cross behind
7step fwd on left
8R scuff fwd

Start over and enjoy!


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