CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Just A Shy Guy

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Intermediate / Advanced
Bill Larson (AUS) - March 2012
Drive By - Train : (CD Single: Drive By)
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Weight on Left, Start 8 counts in on vocals - Turning CCW

Section 1: Tap Fwd, Side, Sailor Turn, Pivot 1/2, Step Turn
1,2Touch R toe fwd, Touch R toe to R side
3&Step R behind L, Step L to side
4turning 1/4 R, Step R fwd (3:00)
5,6Step L fwd, Pivot turn 1/2 R (9:00)
7,8Step L fwd, Paddle turn 1/4 R (12:00)

Section 2: Cross Side, Sailor Cross, Side Rock, Cross Shuffle
1,2Cross/Step L over R, Step R to side
3&4Step L behind R, Step R to side, Cross L over R
5,6Step R to side, Recover weight onto L
7&8Cross Shuffle to Left side Stepping R L R

Section 3: Turn, Turn, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock, Sailor Cross
1Step L to side, with 1/4 turn R (3:00)
2with 1/4 turn R, Step R to side (6:00)
3&4Cross Shuffle to R side Stepping L R L
5,6Step R to side, Rock weight onto L
7&8Step R behind L, Step L to side, Cross R over L (6:00)

Section 4: Monterey Turn, Kick Ball Step, Step Turn, Cross Side
1,2Touch L to side, with 1/4 turn L Step L beside R (3:00)
3&4Kick R fwd, Step R beside L, Step L fwd
5,6Step R fwd, Paddle 1/4 L (12:00)
7,8Cross Step R over L, Step L to side

Section 5: R Sailor, L Sailor Turn, Step Turn, Ball Cross Step
1&2Step R behind L, Step L to side, Replace weight on R
3&Step L behind R, Step R to side with 1/4 turn L
4Step L fwd (9:00)
5,6Step R fwd, Paddle 1/4 L (weight on L 6:00)
&7,8Step R beside L, Cross Step L over R, Step R to side

Section 6: Ball Cross Step, 1/2 Monterey Turn, & 1/4 Monterey Turn & Turn Turn
&1,2Step L beside R, Cross Step R over L, Step L to side
3,4Touch R to side, with 1/2 turn R Step R beside L (12:00)
&Step L beside R
5,6Touch R to side, with 1/4 turn R Step R beside L (3:00)
&Step L slightly fwd
7turning 1/2 L Step back on R (9:00)
8turning 1/4 L Step L side (6:00) ***

Section 7: Cross Turn, Coaster Step, Shuffle fwd L, R
1Cross/Step R over L
2with 1/4 turn R Step back on L (9:00)
3&4Step back on R, Step L beside R, Step fwd on R
5&6,7&8Shuffle fwd: L R L, R L R

Section 8: Tap Fwd, Side, Sailor Turn, Pivot 1/2, Rock Turn
1,2Touch L toe fwd, Touch L toe to side
3&Step L behind R, Step R to side
4with 1/4 turn L Step L fwd (6:00)
5,6Step R fwd, Pivot turn 1/2 L (weight fwd on L 12:00)
7Rock weight back onto R
8Turning 1/2 L Step fwd on L (6:00)

Tag: 4 Counts After wall 2 (now facing 12:00)
1,2Lunge Step R to side turning towards 11:00, Touch L beside R (Click fingers on R hand)
3,4Lunge Step L to side turning towards 1:00, Touch R beside L (Click fingers on R hand)

Restart: 48 counts - On wall 5 (facing 12:00) Dance Sections 1 - 6 *** then Restart the dance (now facing 6:00)

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