Intro: 32 counts.
***One Restart---5th sequence-on front wall—do first 8, then restart
Sequence 1: Step fwd, hold mambo, hold, repeat
1-2Step right fwd, hold
3-4Rock left to side, recover to right
5-6Step left fwd, hold
7-8Rock right to side, recover to left ***
Sequence 2: Forward lock, pivot ½
1-2Step right fwd, lock left in behind right
3-4Step right fwd, Brush left beside right
5-6Step left fwd, pivoting ½ to 6:00 wall, step right beside left
7-8Step left beside right, hold
Sequence 3: Vine, scissors
1-2Step right to side, step left behind right
3-4Step right to side, hold
5-6Step left to side,, step right beside left
7-8Step left across right, hold
Sequence 4: Scissors, vine
1-2Step right to side, step left next to right
3-4Step right across left, step left to side **Note: No hold here!!
5-6Step right behind left, step left to side
7-8Step right across left, step left to side
Do it all again and enjoy!!!!
***One Restart---5th sequence-on front wall—do first 8, then restart
Sequence 1: Step fwd, hold mambo, hold, repeat
1-2Step right fwd, hold
3-4Rock left to side, recover to right
5-6Step left fwd, hold
7-8Rock right to side, recover to left ***
Sequence 2: Forward lock, pivot ½
1-2Step right fwd, lock left in behind right
3-4Step right fwd, Brush left beside right
5-6Step left fwd, pivoting ½ to 6:00 wall, step right beside left
7-8Step left beside right, hold
Sequence 3: Vine, scissors
1-2Step right to side, step left behind right
3-4Step right to side, hold
5-6Step left to side,, step right beside left
7-8Step left across right, hold
Sequence 4: Scissors, vine
1-2Step right to side, step left next to right
3-4Step right across left, step left to side **Note: No hold here!!
5-6Step right behind left, step left to side
7-8Step right across left, step left to side
Do it all again and enjoy!!!!