Intro: 12 counts from heavy beat—on lyrics
[1-8] Sways Right & Left
1-4Step right foot diagonally forward as you sway right, then left then right, touch left beside right
5-8Step left foot diagonally forward as you sway left, right, left, touch right
[9-16] Right Forward Lock, Rock, Recover, Step, Hold
9-12Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, brush left
13-16Rock forward on left, recover to right, step back left, hold
[17-24] Cross , Recover, Step, Hold, Weave, Point
17-20Cross right over left, step left behind, step right beside left, hold
21-24Step left across right, right to side, left behind right, point right out to side
[25-32] Jazz Box, ¼ right, Point & Cross X2
25-28Step right across left, step left back, turning ¼ to right, step right beside left, cross left over right
29-32Point right out to side, cross over left, point left out to side, cross over Right
**2 Restarts---3rd & 7th sequence (both on 6:00 wall), restart after 16 counts
[1-8] Sways Right & Left
1-4Step right foot diagonally forward as you sway right, then left then right, touch left beside right
5-8Step left foot diagonally forward as you sway left, right, left, touch right
[9-16] Right Forward Lock, Rock, Recover, Step, Hold
9-12Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, brush left
13-16Rock forward on left, recover to right, step back left, hold
[17-24] Cross , Recover, Step, Hold, Weave, Point
17-20Cross right over left, step left behind, step right beside left, hold
21-24Step left across right, right to side, left behind right, point right out to side
[25-32] Jazz Box, ¼ right, Point & Cross X2
25-28Step right across left, step left back, turning ¼ to right, step right beside left, cross left over right
29-32Point right out to side, cross over left, point left out to side, cross over Right
**2 Restarts---3rd & 7th sequence (both on 6:00 wall), restart after 16 counts