Left ½ waltz back
1,2,3Left foot forward and half turn to the left, right next to left foot, change weight to left foot
Back waltz
4,5,6Right foot back, left next to the right foot, change weight to right foot
Left ½ waltz back
7,8,9Left foot forward and half turn to the left, right next to left foot, change weight
to left foot
Back waltz
10,11,12Right foot back, left next to the right foot, change weight to right foot
Left twinkle
13,14,15Left foot cross in front of right foot, right foot next to left foot, change weight to left foot
Right twinkle
16,17,18Right foot cross in front of left foot, left foot next to right foot, change weight to right foot
Left ½ waltz back
19,20,21Left foot forward and half turn to the left, right next to left foot, change weight to left foot
Back waltz
22,23,24Right foot back, left next to the right foot, change weight to right foot
Right weave
25,26,27Left foot in front of right foot, right foot to the right, left foot behind right
Hip sway
28,29,30Right foot to the right, change weight to left foot, change weight to right foot
Left full turn
31,32,33Left, right, left
Left weave
34,35,36Right foot in front of left foot, left foot to the left, right foot behind left
Hip sway
37,38,39Left foot to the left, change weight to right foot, change weight to left foot
Right full turn
40,41,42Right, left, right
Forward waltz
43,44,45Left foot forward, right next to the left foot, change weight to left foot
Back waltz
46,47,48Right foot back, left next to the right foot, change weight to right foot
Start again
1,2,3Left foot forward and half turn to the left, right next to left foot, change weight to left foot
Back waltz
4,5,6Right foot back, left next to the right foot, change weight to right foot
Left ½ waltz back
7,8,9Left foot forward and half turn to the left, right next to left foot, change weight
to left foot
Back waltz
10,11,12Right foot back, left next to the right foot, change weight to right foot
Left twinkle
13,14,15Left foot cross in front of right foot, right foot next to left foot, change weight to left foot
Right twinkle
16,17,18Right foot cross in front of left foot, left foot next to right foot, change weight to right foot
Left ½ waltz back
19,20,21Left foot forward and half turn to the left, right next to left foot, change weight to left foot
Back waltz
22,23,24Right foot back, left next to the right foot, change weight to right foot
Right weave
25,26,27Left foot in front of right foot, right foot to the right, left foot behind right
Hip sway
28,29,30Right foot to the right, change weight to left foot, change weight to right foot
Left full turn
31,32,33Left, right, left
Left weave
34,35,36Right foot in front of left foot, left foot to the left, right foot behind left
Hip sway
37,38,39Left foot to the left, change weight to right foot, change weight to left foot
Right full turn
40,41,42Right, left, right
Forward waltz
43,44,45Left foot forward, right next to the left foot, change weight to left foot
Back waltz
46,47,48Right foot back, left next to the right foot, change weight to right foot
Start again