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Hello Again

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William Sevone (UK) - June 2012
Hello Again - Neil Diamond : (Album: The Jazz Singer OST / The Best Of)
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Dance Sequence:- 32-32+8-32-32+4-16-32-12+ Finale
Choreographers note:- The choreographed music is the longer intro 4m:05sec version – see NOTE below.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on the 8th heavy piano note during the intro – the vocals come in a ½ beat after.
NOTE: if using the 3.39min version (without the orchestra intro), the dance starts on the 9th heavy piano note

2x Fwd Angle-Drag. Forward. Together-Forward (12:00).
1Long step towards right (1:00) with right.
2 – 3Drag left foot next to right over two counts.
4Long step towards left (11:00) with left.
5 – 6Drag right foot next to left over two counts.
7 – a8Step forward onto right. Step left next to right, step forward onto right.
Dance note: 7-a8 is not a forward Shuffle

Forward with Raise. Hold. Lower. Back. Run. 1/4 Sway. Sway (3:00)
9leaning forward - Step forward onto left – raising right foot off floor slightly
10 – 11Hold. Lower right foot to floor.
12Step backward onto left
&13&14using small steps - Run backward: R-L-R-L
15 – 16Turn ¼ right (3) & stepping right to right - sway onto right. Sway onto left
Short Wall Wall 5 which coincides with the instrumental break. Restart on NEW wall (3:00) from count 1

1/2 Side. 3/4 Forward. Forward. 1/4 Side. 3/4 Forward. Cross. Back. Sway (12:00)
17 – 18Turn ½ left & step right to right side (9). Turn ¾ left & step forward onto left (12)
19Step forward onto right – upper body turn slightly to left.
20 – 21Turn ¼ right & step left to left side (3). Turn ¾ right & step forward onto right (12).
22Cross left over right – with slight sweeping motion
23 – 24Step backward onto right. Stepping left to left – sway onto left.

Sway. Recover. Behind. Sweep-Behind. Back. Together-Back. Back-1/4 Turn (3:00)
25 – 26Sway onto right. Recover onto left.
27Cross right behind left
28 – 29sweeping left foot in an arc from front to back over two counts – Cross left behind right.
30 – a31with a slight sweep – Step backward onto right. Step left next to right, step backward onto right.
Dance note: 30-a31 is not a backward Shuffle
32&Step backward onto left, turn ¼ right - keeping right foot off floor.

TAG: 8 counts after Wall 2 (facing 6:00)
1 – 2Stepping right to right – sway onto right. Sway onto left.
3 – 4Sway onto right. Recover onto left.
5 – 6Turn ½ left & step right to right side. Turn ½ left & stepping left to left – sway onto left.
7 – 8Sway onto right. Sway onto left.

TAG: 4 Counts after Wall 4 (facing 12:00)
1 – 4Repeat first 4 ‘Sways’ from previous Tag.

Dance Finish Wall 6 Count 12.. after which the music will appear to slow and fade – perform this ‘Finale’
1 – 3Turning ½ right (12:00) - sweep right foot in arc from front to back & touching toe behind left.
4Stepping right to right side – sway onto right
5 – 6Sway onto left. Place weight to centre – strike a pose.. and hold to fade..

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