High Beginner
Count in: On Main Vocal (24 seconds)
[1-8] R & L Dorothy Steps Fwd (Diagonal), R Rock Fwd, Full Turn Back
1-2&Step R diagonally forward R (Long step). Lock L behind R. Step R beside L
3-4&Step L diagonally forward L (Long step). Lock R behind L. Step L beside R
5-6(straighten up to 12:00) Rock R forward, recover weight on L
7-8½ turn R Stepping R forward, ½ R stepping L back
(alternatively 7-8 walk back R, L)
[9 -16] R Rock Back, Recover, Step, Point, Step, Point, Cross, ¼ R, Side
1-2Rock R back, recover weight on L **2 count TAG & Restart**
3-4Cross step R over L, point L side
5-6Cross step L over R, point R side
7&8Cross R over L, Step L back (starting to turn ¼ R), step R to side (3:00)
[17- 24] L & R Dorothy Steps Fwd (Diagonal), L Rock Fwd, Full Turn Back
1-2&Step L diagonally forward L (Long step). Lock R behind L. Step L beside R
3-4&Step R diagonally forward R (Long step). Lock L behind R. Step R beside L
5-6(straighten up to 3:00) Rock L forward, recover weight on R
7-8½ turn L Stepping L forward, ½ L stepping R back
(alternatively 7-8 walk back L, R)
[25- 32] L Rock Back, L Side Rock, Weave
(behind, side, cross, side, behind, side, cross)
1-2Rock L back, recover weight on R
3-4Side rock L, recover R
5&6&L behind, (&) R side, L cross in front, (&) R side
7&8L behind, (&) R side, L cross
Start Again!
** Wall 4 (9:00 – 1st time only)
Dance up to and including count 10, then add 2 counts. Walk R, Walk L
Restart from the beginning of the dance
Last Revision - 19th March 2012
[1-8] R & L Dorothy Steps Fwd (Diagonal), R Rock Fwd, Full Turn Back
1-2&Step R diagonally forward R (Long step). Lock L behind R. Step R beside L
3-4&Step L diagonally forward L (Long step). Lock R behind L. Step L beside R
5-6(straighten up to 12:00) Rock R forward, recover weight on L
7-8½ turn R Stepping R forward, ½ R stepping L back
(alternatively 7-8 walk back R, L)
[9 -16] R Rock Back, Recover, Step, Point, Step, Point, Cross, ¼ R, Side
1-2Rock R back, recover weight on L **2 count TAG & Restart**
3-4Cross step R over L, point L side
5-6Cross step L over R, point R side
7&8Cross R over L, Step L back (starting to turn ¼ R), step R to side (3:00)
[17- 24] L & R Dorothy Steps Fwd (Diagonal), L Rock Fwd, Full Turn Back
1-2&Step L diagonally forward L (Long step). Lock R behind L. Step L beside R
3-4&Step R diagonally forward R (Long step). Lock L behind R. Step R beside L
5-6(straighten up to 3:00) Rock L forward, recover weight on R
7-8½ turn L Stepping L forward, ½ L stepping R back
(alternatively 7-8 walk back L, R)
[25- 32] L Rock Back, L Side Rock, Weave
(behind, side, cross, side, behind, side, cross)
1-2Rock L back, recover weight on R
3-4Side rock L, recover R
5&6&L behind, (&) R side, L cross in front, (&) R side
7&8L behind, (&) R side, L cross
Start Again!
** Wall 4 (9:00 – 1st time only)
Dance up to and including count 10, then add 2 counts. Walk R, Walk L
Restart from the beginning of the dance
Last Revision - 19th March 2012