Start after 64 count intro – [166bpm – 3:36mins]
[1-8] R cross step, L kick, L behind, R side, L cross step, R kick, R behind, L side
1-4Cross step R over L, kick L on left diagonal, cross step L behind R, step R side
5-8Cross step L over R, kick R on right diagonal, cross step R behind L, step L side
[9-16] ¼ R toe strut jazz box cross
1-2Cross touch R over L, step R heel down
3-4Turning ¼ right touch L down, step L heel down (3 o’clock)
5-8Touch R side, step R heel down, cross touch L over R, step L heel down
[17-24] R side together, heel split, L side together, heel split
1-2Step R side, step L together (clap as you step together)
3-4Split heels apart, bring heels together. Weight ends on R
Bring arms out with heels, it will happen automatically, like the funky chicken!
5-6Step L side, step R together (clap as you step together)
7-8Split heels apart, bring heels together. Weight ends on L
Bring arms out with heels, it will happen automatically, like the funky chicken!
[25-32] Vine R 3 with ¼ R, hold/scuff, L fwd, ½ R pivot turn, L fwd, hold
1-4Step R side, cross step L behind R, turning ¼ step R forward, hold (or scuff L fwd) (6 o’clock)
5-8Step L forward, pivot ½ right, step L forward, hold (12 o’clock)
[33-40] Walk fwd 3, kick L fwd, L back rock/recover, L side rock/recover
1-4Boogie walk forward R, L, R, kick L fwd
5-8Rock L back, recover weight on R, rock L side, recover weight on R
[41-48] L cross step, hold, ¼ R hinge turn, R cross rock/recover, R back rock/recover on R back diagonal
1-2Cross step L over R, hold
3-4Step R side, turning ¼ left step L side (9 o’clock)
5-6Cross rock R over L, recover weight on L
7-8On right back diagonal rock R back, recover weight on L
Wall 10 Ending: During wall 10 the music will slow. After 40 counts you will be facing L side wall.
Now dance the following to slower beat (approx. ½ the speed of before):
1-4Cross L over R, hold, sway R, sway L (weight ends on L)
On the vocals dance the first steps of the dance but at slower tempo
1-4Cross step R over L, kick L on left diagonal, cross step L behind R, step R side
5-8Cross step L over R, kick R on right diagonal, cross step R behind L, step L side
1-2Cross touch R over L, step R heel down
3-4Turning ¼ right touch L down, step L heel down (12 o’clock)
5-6Step R forward, step L forward as he sings ‘Whoa’
7-8Tap R toe behind L as he sings ‘Yeah’, hold and strike a pose (optional jazz hands!)
[1-8] R cross step, L kick, L behind, R side, L cross step, R kick, R behind, L side
1-4Cross step R over L, kick L on left diagonal, cross step L behind R, step R side
5-8Cross step L over R, kick R on right diagonal, cross step R behind L, step L side
[9-16] ¼ R toe strut jazz box cross
1-2Cross touch R over L, step R heel down
3-4Turning ¼ right touch L down, step L heel down (3 o’clock)
5-8Touch R side, step R heel down, cross touch L over R, step L heel down
[17-24] R side together, heel split, L side together, heel split
1-2Step R side, step L together (clap as you step together)
3-4Split heels apart, bring heels together. Weight ends on R
Bring arms out with heels, it will happen automatically, like the funky chicken!
5-6Step L side, step R together (clap as you step together)
7-8Split heels apart, bring heels together. Weight ends on L
Bring arms out with heels, it will happen automatically, like the funky chicken!
[25-32] Vine R 3 with ¼ R, hold/scuff, L fwd, ½ R pivot turn, L fwd, hold
1-4Step R side, cross step L behind R, turning ¼ step R forward, hold (or scuff L fwd) (6 o’clock)
5-8Step L forward, pivot ½ right, step L forward, hold (12 o’clock)
[33-40] Walk fwd 3, kick L fwd, L back rock/recover, L side rock/recover
1-4Boogie walk forward R, L, R, kick L fwd
5-8Rock L back, recover weight on R, rock L side, recover weight on R
[41-48] L cross step, hold, ¼ R hinge turn, R cross rock/recover, R back rock/recover on R back diagonal
1-2Cross step L over R, hold
3-4Step R side, turning ¼ left step L side (9 o’clock)
5-6Cross rock R over L, recover weight on L
7-8On right back diagonal rock R back, recover weight on L
Wall 10 Ending: During wall 10 the music will slow. After 40 counts you will be facing L side wall.
Now dance the following to slower beat (approx. ½ the speed of before):
1-4Cross L over R, hold, sway R, sway L (weight ends on L)
On the vocals dance the first steps of the dance but at slower tempo
1-4Cross step R over L, kick L on left diagonal, cross step L behind R, step R side
5-8Cross step L over R, kick R on right diagonal, cross step R behind L, step L side
1-2Cross touch R over L, step R heel down
3-4Turning ¼ right touch L down, step L heel down (12 o’clock)
5-6Step R forward, step L forward as he sings ‘Whoa’
7-8Tap R toe behind L as he sings ‘Yeah’, hold and strike a pose (optional jazz hands!)