CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Christmas Hearts Are Special

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Beginner (Easy & Funny)
Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) - November 2011
Last Christmas - Hilary Duff : (CD: Santa Claus Lane 2003)
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Intro: 32 Counts (18 Sec)

[1-8] Step, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Cross Rock Fwd, Recover, Sailor ¼ R.
1-2Step Rf forward, step Lf to the left weight onto Lf. (12:00)
3&4Step Rf behind Lf, step Lf to the left, cross Rf over Lf weight onto Rf.
5-6Rock Lf to the left, recover on Rf.
7&8Step Lf behind Rf, turn ¼ right (3) step Rf forward, step Lf forward weight onto Lf.

[9-16] ½ Pivot L, ½ L, Back, ¼ L, Side, Heel Grind ¼ R, Back, Together.
1-2Step Rf forward, turn ½ left (9) taking weight onto Lf.
3-4Turn ½ left (3) step Rf back, turn ¼ left (12) step Lf to the left weight onto Lf.
5-6Heel grind with Rf (toes from left to right) turn ¼ turn to right (3), step Lf back weight onto Lf.
7-8Step Rf back, step Lf next to Rf (holding weight onto Rf).

[17-24] Step Lock, Lock Step Fwd, Fwd Rock, Recover, ¼ R, & Cross, Hold.
1-2Step Lf forward, lock Rf behind Lf weight onto Lf. (3:00)
3&4Step Lf forward, lock Rf behind Lf weight onto Lf, step Lf forward weight onto Lf.
5-6Rock Rf forward, recover on Lf.
&7-8Turn ¼ right (6) step Rf slightly to the right, cross Lf over Rf, Hold.

[25-32] & Behind, Hold, & Cross, Hold, Hip Bumps R-L-R, ¼ R, Replace, Hook.
&1-2Step Rf slightly to the right, cross Lf behind Rf, Hold. (6:00)
&3-4Step Rf slightly to the right, cross Lf over Rf, Hold.
5-7Step Rf to the right bump R hip to right, bump L hip to left, bump R hip to right.
8Turn ¼ right (9) step Lf back in place, hook Rf up across Lf weight onto Lf.

Start again and have fun!

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