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The Dancer

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Improver / Intermediate
Elizabeth Henderson (UK) - November 2011
The Dancer - Nathan Carter : (CD: Time of My Life)
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Step points with Turn, rolling vine left, waltz forward
1 – 3Step forward left, point right and hold 1 count
4 – 6Half turn right, point left to left hold 1 count
7 – 9Rolling vine left, left, right, left
10 –12basic waltz forward, right, left, right

Waltz back, rolling vine right, left ¼ turn twinkle, waltz back
1 - 3Basic waltz back, left, right left
4 – 6Rolling vine right, right, left, right
7 – 9Cross left over right, turn ¼ turn left, stepping right to left, step left to left
10 –12Basic waltz back, right, left, right

Twinkle Left & Right, Cross ¼ left. Cross side behind
1 – 3Cross left over right, step right to right, left to left
4 – 6Cross right, left to left, right to right
7 – 9Cross left over right, ¼ turn left stepping right to right, left to left side
10 –12Cross right over left, left to left, cross right behind left
* Restart here wall 7

Chasse ¼ turn left, cross twinkle, cross twinkle ¼ turn, back drag
1 – 3Step left to left, right beside right, 1/4turn left, stepping left forward
4 – 6Cross right over left , step left to left, right to right
7 – 9Cross left over right, turn ¼ left. Step right to right, left to left
10 –12Step long step back on right, drag left beside right, hold for 1 count

Tag. Walls 1 and 4 (12 counts)
1-12Waltz ¼ turn left x 4 starting on left foot (forward, back, forward, back)

Restart: Wall 7, restart facing front after count 36

graiglas November 5, 2011
great song but not available on

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