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Tulsa Cha

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Ultra Beginner
Cindy Hall (USA) & Ginny Smith (USA) - October 2011
Tulsa Time - Don Williams
Tulsa Time - Reba McEntire
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Note: this dance was choreographed over 17 years ago, Cindy passed in 06 & while going thru one of her note books, I found numerous dances that we choreographed, but back in the day never got posted.

Cross L over R stepping forward with Staggering Motion, Cross R over L staggering motion, Crossing Triple
1 Step Cross L over R with swaggering motion
2 Step Cross R over L with swaggering motion
3 & 4Cross step L over R, Step R in place, Cross step L over R

Cross R over L stepping forward with Staggering Motion, Cross L over R staggering motion Crossing Triple
5 Step Cross R over L with swaggering motion
6 Step Cross L over R with swaggering motion
7 & 8Cross step R over R, Step L in place, Cross step R over L

L Rock forward, Recover, L triple back, R Rock Back, recover, R triple forward
9 -10 Rock forward on L, recover back on R
11& 12 Step back on L, bring R to L, step back on L
13-14Rock back on R, recover forward on L
15 & 16Step forward on R, bring L to R, step forward on R

L syncopated Vine
17-18Step L to L, cross R behind L
19 & 20Step L to L, step R next to L, step L to L

Cross R over L, Recover, R Triple turning 1/4 R
21-22Cross R over L, recover back on R
23 & 24Step on R Turning 1/4 to R , step L next to R, step R slighly forward

L Rock Forward, recover, L Triple back, R Rock Back, Recover, R Triple Forward
25 -26 Rock forward on L, recover back on R
27& 28 Step back on L, bring R to L, step back on L
29-30Rock back on R, recover forward on L
31 & 32Step forward on R, bring L to R, step forward on R


Lynn October 17, 2011
Great little dance. I think it is 4 walls as written.
Also for a fun alternative song try Willie Nelson's Heartbreak Hotel from One Hell of A Ride disc 3 (not Elvis Presley)

Lynne June 2, 2015
We still do this dance all the time - 4 Walls...
And we start with the 4th section then 1,2,3 etc...

Sandue February 6, 2018
A video of this would be a big help.

lucileandria May 6, 2022
Here is a vidéo of this dance

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