Intro: 16 count start after you hear “Hee Har”
[1-8] Out, Out, In, In, Step RL Forward Bump Twice, Step LL Forward Bump Twice
1,2Step right leg fwd diagonal to the right, step left leg fwd diagonal to the left
3,4Step right leg back, step left leg back
5,6Step right leg forward and bump twice
7,8Step left leg forward and bump twice
[9-16] Drag Forward Clap Hand, Drag Back Clap Hand, Side Switches
1,2Drag right leg diagonal back, move left leg beside right (Clap your hand)
3,4Drag left leg diagonal back, drag right leg beside left (Clap your hand)
5&Touch your right feet to the right, step your right feet beside left
6&Touch your left feet to the left, step your left feet beside right
7&8Touch your right feet to the right, step your right feet beside left, step left feet to the left
[17-24] Jazz Box, Pivot ¼ Left Turn, Chassis
1,2Cross left foot in front of right, move right foot back
3,4Move left leg beside right, move right leg foward
5,6¼ turn left step toward left, move right leg behind left
7&8Move left leg forward, move right leg behind left, move left leg forward
[25-32] Coaster Step, ¼ Left Turn
1,2Step right leg forward, recover on left
3&4Move right leg back, move left leg beside right, step right leg forward
5,6Step left leg forward, recover on right
7-8&Move left leg beside right, recover on right, pivot ¼ left turn left leg
TAG: After the 4th Wall 16th count add a Tag. Then restart until end of song.- Only one Tag in this dance.
1,2Step right leg diagonal forward to the right, drag left leg beside right
3,4Step left leg diagonal forward to the left, drag right beside left
5,6Step right leg diagonal back to the right, drag left leg beside right
7,8Step left leg diagonal back to the left, drag right beside left
Have Fun & Enjoy the Dance!
[1-8] Out, Out, In, In, Step RL Forward Bump Twice, Step LL Forward Bump Twice
1,2Step right leg fwd diagonal to the right, step left leg fwd diagonal to the left
3,4Step right leg back, step left leg back
5,6Step right leg forward and bump twice
7,8Step left leg forward and bump twice
[9-16] Drag Forward Clap Hand, Drag Back Clap Hand, Side Switches
1,2Drag right leg diagonal back, move left leg beside right (Clap your hand)
3,4Drag left leg diagonal back, drag right leg beside left (Clap your hand)
5&Touch your right feet to the right, step your right feet beside left
6&Touch your left feet to the left, step your left feet beside right
7&8Touch your right feet to the right, step your right feet beside left, step left feet to the left
[17-24] Jazz Box, Pivot ¼ Left Turn, Chassis
1,2Cross left foot in front of right, move right foot back
3,4Move left leg beside right, move right leg foward
5,6¼ turn left step toward left, move right leg behind left
7&8Move left leg forward, move right leg behind left, move left leg forward
[25-32] Coaster Step, ¼ Left Turn
1,2Step right leg forward, recover on left
3&4Move right leg back, move left leg beside right, step right leg forward
5,6Step left leg forward, recover on right
7-8&Move left leg beside right, recover on right, pivot ¼ left turn left leg
TAG: After the 4th Wall 16th count add a Tag. Then restart until end of song.- Only one Tag in this dance.
1,2Step right leg diagonal forward to the right, drag left leg beside right
3,4Step left leg diagonal forward to the left, drag right beside left
5,6Step right leg diagonal back to the right, drag left leg beside right
7,8Step left leg diagonal back to the left, drag right beside left
Have Fun & Enjoy the Dance!