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High Heels

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Mishi Ziminski (USA) - August 2011
High Heels - Courtney Darwin
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Rock, Recover, Behind, Side, Cross, Rock, Recover, Behind, ¼ step
1,2Rock R to R, Recover to L
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L
5,6Rock L to L, Recover to R
7&8Step L behind, R, Step R ¼ forward to R, Step L forward

Step, Lock, Unwind ¾ , Out, Out, Bump, Bump
1,2Step R forward, Lock L behind
3&4Unwind ¾ turn over L shoulder (12:00), Step R out, Step L out
**(2nd Restart)
5,6Bump R, L
7&8Bump R, L L
* (1st Restart)

Back Rock, Recover, Forward Shuffle, Forward Rock, Recover, ½ Shuffle
1,2Rock back on R, Recover forward onto L
3&4Shuffle forward R, L, R
5,6Rock forward onto L, Recover back onto R,
7&8½ turn shuffle L, R, L over L shoulder (6:00)

¼ Rock and Cross, Rock and Cross, ¼ Turn, 4 Sexy Walks Making ¼ Turn Total
1&2Rock R ¼ L (3:00), Recover onto L, Cross R over L
&3&Rock, L to L, Recover onto R, Cross L over R
4&Step forward on R, Make ¼ turn L stepping on L
5,6,7,8Walk R, L, R, L (making 1/16 turn on each step)

End O’ Dance

*1st - On 3rd wall, restart the dance after the bumps (you will be facing the back wall
**2nd - On wall 7, restart the dance after the unwind out out (you will be facing 9:00)

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