Beginner Couple
(Basics by “Something In The Water” by Niels Poulsen)
Note: The couples are standing in sweatheart position. Build a circle so, that you a have a look on the backs of your front couples.
Step, Kick, Back, Touch Back, Locking Shuffle Forward, Rock Forward
1-2Right step forward - Kick left forward
3-4Left step back -Touch right toe behind
5&6Cha-Cha forward (R-L-R)
7-8Step left forward & Rock right, Recover to right
Shuffle Back L + R (Lady: Full Shuffle Turn Left), Rock Back, Locking Shuffle Forward
1&2Cha-Cha backward (L-R-L)
(Lady: Seperate Left Hands! When you make 1&2 you have to make1/2 Left Turn)
3&4Cha-Cha backward (R-L-R)
(Lady: When you make 3&4 you have to make 1/2 left turn, Recollect the left hands)
5-6LF step back & rock right, Recover to right
7&8LF step forward, lock right behind left, step left forward
Side Rock, Crossing Shuffle, Side Rock, Behind-Side-Cross
1-2RF step to right & LF rock - Recover to LF
3&4Cross right over left, step left beside right, cross right over left
5-6LF step left & rock right - recover to right
7&8Left Step Back, Step right beside left, Cross left over right
Point, Hold & Point, Hold & Heel, & Heel & Heel-Toe-Heel
1-2Point R to R side, hold
&3-4Step R next to L, point L to L side, hold
&5&6Step L next to R, touch R heel fw, step R next to L, touch L heel fw
&7&8Step L next to R, touch R heel fw, Touch right to next to LF, Touch right heel next to LF
Have Fun!
Note: This dance is specially choreographed for all those line dancers, who want to dance “Something In The Water” as a couples dance.
Note: The couples are standing in sweatheart position. Build a circle so, that you a have a look on the backs of your front couples.
Step, Kick, Back, Touch Back, Locking Shuffle Forward, Rock Forward
1-2Right step forward - Kick left forward
3-4Left step back -Touch right toe behind
5&6Cha-Cha forward (R-L-R)
7-8Step left forward & Rock right, Recover to right
Shuffle Back L + R (Lady: Full Shuffle Turn Left), Rock Back, Locking Shuffle Forward
1&2Cha-Cha backward (L-R-L)
(Lady: Seperate Left Hands! When you make 1&2 you have to make1/2 Left Turn)
3&4Cha-Cha backward (R-L-R)
(Lady: When you make 3&4 you have to make 1/2 left turn, Recollect the left hands)
5-6LF step back & rock right, Recover to right
7&8LF step forward, lock right behind left, step left forward
Side Rock, Crossing Shuffle, Side Rock, Behind-Side-Cross
1-2RF step to right & LF rock - Recover to LF
3&4Cross right over left, step left beside right, cross right over left
5-6LF step left & rock right - recover to right
7&8Left Step Back, Step right beside left, Cross left over right
Point, Hold & Point, Hold & Heel, & Heel & Heel-Toe-Heel
1-2Point R to R side, hold
&3-4Step R next to L, point L to L side, hold
&5&6Step L next to R, touch R heel fw, step R next to L, touch L heel fw
&7&8Step L next to R, touch R heel fw, Touch right to next to LF, Touch right heel next to LF
Have Fun!
Note: This dance is specially choreographed for all those line dancers, who want to dance “Something In The Water” as a couples dance.