Absolute Beginner
Note: Dance starts on Main Vocal
This dance is for Mark Wallman for providing me with a source of constant inspiration!
Section 1: Side Rock, Recover, Behind-Side-Cross, Side Rock, Recover, Behind-Side-Step
1-2Rock out to the right side, recover onto left
3&4Step behind with the right, step left to left side, cross right in front of left
5-6Rock out to the left side, recover onto right
7&8Step behind with the left, step right to right side, step forward on left
Section 2: Rock, Recover, Shuffle, Rock, Recover, Shuffle
1-2Rock forward onto right foot, recover back onto left foot
3&4Step back on right foot, step left next to right, step back on right foot
5-6Rock back onto left foot, recover onto right foot
7&8Step forward on left foot, step right next to left, step forward onto left foot
Section 3: Toe, Heel,Step, Toe, Heel, Step, Back Mambo, 1/4 Monterey,
1&2Turn right foot sligtly in, touch toe next to left foot, turning right foot out, touch right heel next to left foot, step right foot in place
3&4Turn left foot sligtly in, touch toe next to right foot, turning left foot out, touch left heel next to right foot, step left foot in place
5&6Step back on right foot, lift left foot and replace it back down on the same place, step right foot back next to left
7&8Touch right toe to right side, on ball of left foot make 1/4 turn over your right shoulder and step onto your right foot, touch left toe out to the side, step left foot next to right.
Section 4: 1/4 Monterey, Two Stomps, Two Claps
1&2Touch right toe to right side, on ball of left foot make 1/4 turn over your right shoulder and step onto your right foot, touch left toe out to the side, step left foot next to right.
3-4Stomp right foot, stomp left foot
5-6Clap hands twice
Start Again
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This dance is for Mark Wallman for providing me with a source of constant inspiration!
Section 1: Side Rock, Recover, Behind-Side-Cross, Side Rock, Recover, Behind-Side-Step
1-2Rock out to the right side, recover onto left
3&4Step behind with the right, step left to left side, cross right in front of left
5-6Rock out to the left side, recover onto right
7&8Step behind with the left, step right to right side, step forward on left
Section 2: Rock, Recover, Shuffle, Rock, Recover, Shuffle
1-2Rock forward onto right foot, recover back onto left foot
3&4Step back on right foot, step left next to right, step back on right foot
5-6Rock back onto left foot, recover onto right foot
7&8Step forward on left foot, step right next to left, step forward onto left foot
Section 3: Toe, Heel,Step, Toe, Heel, Step, Back Mambo, 1/4 Monterey,
1&2Turn right foot sligtly in, touch toe next to left foot, turning right foot out, touch right heel next to left foot, step right foot in place
3&4Turn left foot sligtly in, touch toe next to right foot, turning left foot out, touch left heel next to right foot, step left foot in place
5&6Step back on right foot, lift left foot and replace it back down on the same place, step right foot back next to left
7&8Touch right toe to right side, on ball of left foot make 1/4 turn over your right shoulder and step onto your right foot, touch left toe out to the side, step left foot next to right.
Section 4: 1/4 Monterey, Two Stomps, Two Claps
1&2Touch right toe to right side, on ball of left foot make 1/4 turn over your right shoulder and step onto your right foot, touch left toe out to the side, step left foot next to right.
3-4Stomp right foot, stomp left foot
5-6Clap hands twice
Start Again
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