CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Me And My Mirror

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Terry Mchugh (UK) - April 2011
Me and My Mirror On a Saturday Night - Julian Velard
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Intro: 16 Count, (start on vocals)

Chasse right, heel taps x2, chasse left, heel taps x2.
1&2chasse right, stepping right, left, right,
3-4angle body diagonally left and tap left heel diagonally fwd twice.
5&6chasse left, stepping left, right, left,
7-8angle body diagonally right and tap right heel diagonally fwd twice,

Jazz box, kick ball change x2.
1-2cross right over left, step back on left.
3-4step right beside left, step left beside right ( weight on left )
5&6kick right fwd, step right beside left, step left in place,
7&8repeat steps 5&6

Step fwd on right, tap left behind right, step back on left, tap right in front of left, rock out to right, recover on left with 1/4 turn left, shuffle fwd,
1-2small step fwd on right, tap left behind right,
3-4small step back on left, tap right in front of left,
5-6rock right to right side, recover on left with 1/4 turn left,
7&8shuffle fwd stepping right, left, right,

Shuffle fwd, shuffle 1/2 turn, sailor steps x 2.
1&2shuffle fwd, stepping left, right, left,
3&4shuffle 1/2 turn left, stepping right, left, right,
5&6step left behind right, step right beside left, step left in place,
7&8step right behind left, step left beside right, step right in place,

Step fwd on left, pivot 1/4 turn left and step right beside left, sailor step.
1-2step fwd on left, pivot 1/4 turn left, and step right beside left,
3&4step left behind right, step right beside left, step left in place,
5&6shuffle fwd, stepping right, left, right,
7&8shuffle fwd, stepping left, right, left,

Weave left with heel dig, weave right with heel dig.
1-2cross right over left, step left to left side,
3&4&cross right behind left, step left beside right, dig right heel diagonally fwd, step right beside left.
5-6cross left over right, step right to right side,
7&8&cross left behind right, step right beside left, dig left heel diagonally fwd, step left beside right,

Syncopated weave left, cross shuffle to right.
1-2cross right over left, step left to left side,
3&4cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left,
5-6rock left to left side, recover on right,
7&8cross shuffle right, stepping left, right, left,

Step fwd on right, pivot 1/2 turn left, step fwd and kick, two steps back, coaster step.
1-2step fwd on right, pivot 1/2 turn left,
3-4step fwd on right, kick left fwd,
5-6step back on left, step back on right,
7&8step back on left, step right beside left, step fwd on left

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