CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Sweet Distraction

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Steve Lustgraaf (USA) & Letha Blackford (USA) - March 2011
Sweet Distraction - David Adam Byrnes
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Choreographed at the NTA Dance Camp 2011

Start on vocals.

Cross, side, sailor, cross, side, behind, turn, step
1-2Step R across L, step L side left
3&4Step R behind L, step L side left, replace R next to L
5-6Step L across R, step R side right
7&8Step L behind R, make ¼ right and step on R, step L forward

Rock, recover, triple with ½ turn right, out, out, in, in, hip bumps
1-2Rock R forward, recover L
3&4Make ½ turn right stepping R, L, R
&5Step L slightly out left, step R slightly out right
&6Step L in, step R in
7&8Bump hips left, right, left
Restart here on walls 4, 9 and 12

Rock, recover, coaster step, rock, recover, coaster step
1-2Rock R forward, recover L
3&4Step R back, L next to R, step R forward
5-6Rock L forward, recover L
7&8Step L back, R next to L, step L forward

Pivot turn X 2, jazz box
1-2Step R forward and pivot ½ left
3-4Step R forward and pivot ½ left
5-6Step R across L, step L back
7-8Step R side right, step L slightly forward

TAG: 4 count tag at the end of wall 12 (which is a restart wall – do 16 counts, then tag):
&1Step L slightly out left, step R slightly out right
&2Step L in, step R in
3&4Bump hips left, right, left

Steve Lustgraaf –
Letha Blackford –

Ginpearish April 3, 2023
Thanks Steve & Letha! I am going to teach to this music.

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