CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pretty Once but Ugly Now

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Eileen Fletcher (UK) - February 2011
Pretty Ugly - Pete Redfern : (Free Download)
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Section 1. Kick right twice, Switch Kick Left twice. Rock fwd rec, Shuffle back on right.
1-2&3-4Kick right fwd twice, Step right in place, Kick left fwd twice,
&5-6Step Left in place, rock fwd on right, recover on left,
7&8Shuffle back on right, left,right.

Section2. Shuffle ½ turn left, pivot ½ turn left, cross right point left, cross left point right,
1&2,3-4Shuffle ½ turn left, on left, right, left, Step fwd on right pivot ½ left,
5-6,7-8Cross right over left, point left , Cross left over right, point right,

Section 3. Back Right Sailor, Back Left Sailor, Touch unwind ½ to right, Shuffle fwd,
1&2Step Right behind left, Step left in place, right step right,
3&4Step left behind right, Step right in place, step left to left,
5-6Touch right behind left, unwind ½ turn to right, weight on left,
7&8Shuffle fwd on right, left, right.

Section 4. Left lock, Left Lock step, Step right touch, Turn ¼ left touch
1-2Step fwd on left, lock right behind left,
3&4Step fwd on left, lock right behind left, , Step fwd on,
5-6Step right to right, step left next to right,
7-8Step left ¼ turn left, Touch right next to left,

Section 5, Monterey ¼ turn right hold 1 beat, left jazz box touch right in place
1-2Touch right to right, step right in place.
3-4Touch left to left ¼ turn right, Hold 1 beat,
5-6Cross left over right, step right in place
7-8Step left in place, Touch right next to left,

No Tags or restarts.

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