CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Maria Maag (DK) & Jannie Tofte Stoian (DK) - January 2011
Addiction - Medina
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Intro: 32 count intro – start on word ‘here’ when heavy beat starts (app. 22 sec. into track)

[1-8] Side behind side cross, Side, Back rock, Kick ball cross
1Step R to R side [12:00]
2&3Cross L behind R, step R to R side, cross L in front of R
4Step R to R side
5-6Rock L back, recover onto R
7&8Kick L diagonally fw L, step L next to R, cross R over L
(Restart 2 here - Kick L diagonally fw L, turn ¼ L stepping L fw, touch R next to L – facing 06:00) [12:00]

[9-16] ¼ turn R x2, Cross shuffle, ¼ turn L, Back rock, Step lock
1-2Turn ¼ R stepping L back, turn ¼ R stepping R to side [06:00]
3&4Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R
5-6Turn ¼ L stepping R back, rock back on L [03:00]
7&8Recover onto R, step L fw, lock R behind L
(Restart 1 here – Step L fw(&), touch R next to L(8) – facing 12:00 o’clock) [03:00]

[17-24] Jazzbox ¼ R, Cross rock, Ball cross, ¼ turn R
1-2Step L fw, cross R over L [03:00]
3-4Turn ¼ R stepping L back, Step R to R side [06:00]
5-6Cross rock L over R, recover back onto R
&7-8Step L small step to L side, cross R over L, turn ¼ R stepping back on L [09:00]

[25-32] ½ turn R, Step ½ turn R, Shuffle L fw, Fw rock, Side rock, Back rock
1Turn ½ R stepping R fw [03:00]
2-3Step L fw, turn ½ R stepping onto R [09:00]
4&5Step L fw, step R next to L, step l fw
6&7&Rock R fw, recover onto L, rock R to R side, recover onto L
8&Rock R back, recover onto L [09:00]

Restarts: 2 restarts. 1st on wall 2 after 16 counts. 2nd on wall 8 after 8 counts.

Ending – Wall 11 – Starts facing 12:00 o’clock:
After wall 11 make ¼ turn R stepping R fw.

Good luck & enjoy!

Maria Maag –
Jannie Tofte Andersen (DK) -
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