Intro: 64 counts from vocals
Step Back, Chest Pop Twice, Paddle ½ Turn Left
1-2Step right diagonally back (1:00),step left together.
3-4Popping chest forward twice.
5-6Step right ¼ turn left, step right together.
7-8Step right ¼ turn left, step right together. (6:00)
Toe Struts X2, Scuff , Press Forward, Hip Bumps Twice
1-4Step right toe forward, drop right heel ,step left toe forward, drop left heel.
5-6Scuff right forward and press diagonally (bent right knee).
7-8Hip bumping forward twice.
Kick Ball Touch Twice, Body Roll Diagonally Twice
1&2Kick right forward, step right together, touch left to side.
3&4Kick left forward, step left together, touch right to s ide.
5-8Diagonally step right backward together, step left backward.(body roll)
Back Sailor ¼ Turn, Camel Walk Forward, Hip Bumps, Flick
1&2Cross left behind right making ¼ turn left, step right together, step left forward. (3:00)
3-4Walk forward on ball of right, left.
5-6Step right to side bumping hip right ,left.
7-8Bump hips right, left with flicking right leg behind.
Step Back, Chest Pop Twice, Paddle ½ Turn Left
1-2Step right diagonally back (1:00),step left together.
3-4Popping chest forward twice.
5-6Step right ¼ turn left, step right together.
7-8Step right ¼ turn left, step right together. (6:00)
Toe Struts X2, Scuff , Press Forward, Hip Bumps Twice
1-4Step right toe forward, drop right heel ,step left toe forward, drop left heel.
5-6Scuff right forward and press diagonally (bent right knee).
7-8Hip bumping forward twice.
Kick Ball Touch Twice, Body Roll Diagonally Twice
1&2Kick right forward, step right together, touch left to side.
3&4Kick left forward, step left together, touch right to s ide.
5-8Diagonally step right backward together, step left backward.(body roll)
Back Sailor ¼ Turn, Camel Walk Forward, Hip Bumps, Flick
1&2Cross left behind right making ¼ turn left, step right together, step left forward. (3:00)
3-4Walk forward on ball of right, left.
5-6Step right to side bumping hip right ,left.
7-8Bump hips right, left with flicking right leg behind.