CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Like A Pyramid

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May Wah Ong (MY) - October 2010
Pyramid (feat. Lyaz) - Charice
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Intro – 48 cts (33 secs)

Side step, Back rock, ¼ turn , side, cross shuffle, Fwd rock recover, together, Step, hip bumps
1Step R to right
2&Rock back on L, recover on R
3&Step back on L making ¼ right turn, Step R to slightly right [3]
4&5Cross shuffle, crossing L over R,
6&7Rock forward on R, Recover on L, Step R beside L
8&1Step back on L , bump R hip forward, bump back on L Hip

Sailor ½ turn R, Side rock recover cross, Back rock recover forward, Step pivot ½ R step
2&3Cross R behind L making ¼ R turn, Step L to left, making ¼ R turn, Step R next to L [9]
4&5Rock L to left, Recover on R, Cross L over R (body angle towards [11.30])
6&7Rock R behind L, Recover on L, Step R forward
8&1Step forward on L, pivot ½ R, Step forward on L (still facing diagonal) [4.30]

Rocking Chair, Full turn L, Sailor 3/8 turn, Rock fwd, recover turn & step,
2&3&Rock forward on R ,Recover on L, Rock back on R, Recover on L
4&5Full turn over left shoulder (travelling fwd), ending with R foot forward
6&7Step L behind R making 1/8 L turn, Step R to R making ¼ L turn, Step L slightly forward [12]
8&1Rock forward on R, Recover on L, Turning ¼ R step R to R [3]

Sway fwd, back, Behind side cross turn ¼ R, Side rock recover cross (x2)
2 -3Step L to slightly diagonally towards L, swaying forward, Sway back to R,
4&5Step L behind R, , Step R to R turning1/4 R, Cross L over R [6]
6&7Rock R to R, Recover on L, Cross R over L
&8&Rock L to L, Recover on R, Cross L over R

Repeat from the top.

Restarts on Wall 3 & 5.
Dance 16 counts, where on count 8 of 2nd section, you will be stepping forward on L as normal, then for ‘&’ count, Turn slightly more the ½ R, pivoting on your L, Step R to R to start the dance again (Count 1).

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