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Blue Sky

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Trish Graham (AUS) - May 2010
Blue Sky (feat. Keith Urban) - Emily West : (Album: Emily West - 3:48)
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Start: 8 beat introduction, start on vocals.

(1-8) Rock forward R, Recover, ½ turn on R. Rock forward, Recover, ½ turn on L. Step/Sway to R side, Recover/Sway on L. Full turn Triple. (12 o’clock)
1, 2 & Step forward on R, recover onto L, ½ turn over R shoulder stepping forward onto R foot.
3, 4 & Step forward on L, recover onto R, ½ turn over L shoulder stepping forward onto L foot. (12 o’clock)
5, 6 Step R to R side swaying hips R, Recover on to L swaying hips L.
7 & 8 Full Turn Triple travelling to R, stepping R, L, R.

(9-16) Mirror image of first 8 - starting with Rock Forward on Left (6 o’clock)
1, 2 & Step forward on L, recover onto R, ½ turn over L shoulder stepping forward onto L foot.
3, 4 & Step forward on R, recover onto L, ½ turn over R shoulder stepping forward onto R foot. (6 o’clock)
5, 6 Step L to L side swaying hips L, Recover on to R swaying hips R.
7 & 8 Full Turn Triple travelling to L, stepping L, R, L.

(17-24) Behind Side Drag. Behind, ¼ turn, Forward, Hitch. Back Drag, Back Drag. Coaster Step (3 o’clock)
1 & 2 Step R behind L, L to side, large step R dragging L towards R.
3 & 4 & Step L behind R, Step ¼ turn R on R foot, Step L forward and hitching the knee.
5, 6 Step back R dragging L back toward R, Step back L dragging R toward L.
7 & 8 Step back R, Step L beside R, Step R forward.

(25-32) Cross Rock Recover & Cross Rock Recover,Step ½ Turn,(Prep) Full Turn Triple (9 o’clock)
1, 2 & Cross Rock L over R, Recover onto R, Step L to L Side.
3, 4 & Cross Rock R over L, Recover onto L, Step R to R Side.
5, 6 Step forward on L, Pivot a ½ turn R taking weight onto R.
7 & 8 Full Triple forward over L shoulder stepping L, R, L.

(33-40) Run Forward 3, Run Back 3. (* Restart to back on wall 4) & Point, ¼ Turn. Sweep, Sweep.
(6 o’clock). (# 4 beat tag at end of wall 2 – back, sweep, sweep, back )
1 & 2 Run forward R, L, R.
3 & 4 Run backward L, R, L.
& 5, 6 Step weight onto R, and point L toe to L side, ¼ turn L stepping onto L foot.
7, 8 Sweep R around and step forward, Sweep L around and step forward. END

TAG: At end of 2nd wall, facing 12 o’clock.
1,2,3,4 Step Back on R, Sweep Around & Back on L, Sweep Around & Back on R, Step Back on L and then start the new wall in same direction by rocking forward on R.

Restart: On the 4th wall, dance to count 36 (you will be facing the 3 o’clock wall) then restart the dance by making a ¼ turn to the back wall, rocking forward on right foot as the first step of the new wall.

Ending Complete the full turn triple, then –Step L behind R, R to side, large step L slowly dragging R towards L. (Count - 1 & 2)

NOTE: The beat is lost just before the end, keep dancing, you need to be in time to dance the last strong 8 beats of the song, at which time you will be starting a new wall to the front and doing the first 8 beats of the dance. But if you find the timing at the end too hard till you are familiar with the music, don’t give up on an otherwise very easy dance – you have my permission to fake it – or finish early – or whatever!!

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