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I Wanna Hold Your Hand

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Phrased Intermediate
Merete Sevel (DK) - September 2010
I Want to Hold Your Hand - The Beatles
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Sequence: A, A, B, A, B, A, A(only 8 counts)
Starts after 16 counts.

Part A:
(1-8) Step L, kick R, coaster, step L, kick R, coaster, ball step
1-2 Step L fw, kick R fw
3&4 Step back on R, step L next to R, step fw on R
5-6 Stp L fw, kick R fw
7&8&1 Step back on R, step L next to R, step fw on R, step next to R on ball of L, step fw on R

(9-16) Step, 1/2 turn right, full turn, step, shuffle fw
2-3 Step fw on L, make 1/2 turn right stepping fw on R 6:00
4-5 Make 1/2 turn right stepping back on L, make 1/2 turn right stepping fw on R
6-7&8 Step fw on L, step fw on R, step L next to R, step fw on R

(17-24) Step L, kick R, coaster, step L, kick R, back lock step
1-2 Step L fw, kick R fw
3&4 Step back on R, step L next to R, step fw on R
5-6 Step L fw, kick R fw
7&8 Step back on R, lock L over R, step back on R

(25-32) Back, Jazzbox 1/4 turn right, cross, heel, together, heel, hold
&1 Step back on L, cross R over L
2-3 Step back on L starting the quarter turn right, step R to right side finishing 1/ 4 turn right 9:00
4-5 Cross L over R, dig R heel fw
6-7-8 Step R next to L, dig L heel fw, hold

(33-40) Chassée left, back rock, step 1/2 turn left x 2
1&2 Step L to left side, step R next to L, step L to left side
3-4 Rock back on R, recover on L
5-6 Step fw R, make 1/2 turn left stepping fw on L
7-8 Repeat counts 5-6

(41-48) Shuffle, rock fw, 1/2 turn x 3, step fw
1&2 Step fw R, step L next to R, step fw R
3-4 Rock fw on L, recover on R
5-6 Make 1/2 turn left stepping fw on L, make 1/2 turn left stepping back on R
7-8 Make 1/2 turn left stepping fw on L, step fw R 3:00

Part B:
(1-8) Rocking chair, touch, together, touch, together
1-2 Rock fw on L, recover on R
3-4 Rock back on L, recover on R
5-6 Touch L fw diagonal, step L next to R
7-8 Touch R fw diagonal, step R next to L

(9-16) Left sailor 1/4 turn, rock fw, coaster, step 1/2 turn
1&2 Cross L behind R, make 1/4 turn left stepping R next to L, step slightly fw on L
3-4 Rock fw on R, recover on L
5&6 Step back on R, step L next to R, step fw on R
7-8 Step fw on L, make 1/2 turn right

(17-24) Walk L, walk R, step, 1/4 turn right, cross shuffle, 1/4 turn left x 2
1-2 Walk fw L, walk fw R
3-4 Step fw on L, make 1/4 turn right stepping R to right side
5&6 Cross L over R, step R to right side, cross L over R
7-8 Make 1/4 turn left stepping back on R, make 1/4 turn left stepping L to left side

(25-32) Cross rock, right sailor, cross rock, left sailor
1-2 Cross rock R over L, recover on L
3&4 Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R to right side
5-6 Cross rock L over R, recover on R
7&8 Step L behind R, step R to right side, step L to left side

(33-40) Step, lock, step, 1/2 turn with touch, step, lock, step, 1/2 turn with touch
1-2 Step R fw, lock L behind R
3-4 Step R fw, make 1/2 turn left on ball of R touching L next to R
5-6 Step L fw, lock R behind L
7-8 Step L fw, make 1/2 turn right on ball of L touching R next to L

(41-44) Rock fw, coaster
1-2 Rock R fw, recover on L
3&4 Step back on R, step L next to R, step R fw

You will start Part B at 6 o´clock the first time and end it at 6 o´clock.
The second time you will start Part B at 9 o´clock (and end it at 9 o´clock )

Merete Sevel (

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