Start on lyrics
Fwd touch, Drag back & flick. Coaster step, Step ¼ turn
1-2 step fwd on right & touch left beside
3-4 step back on left, drag right beside and flick right heel back
5&6 right coaster step
7-8 step fwd on left & ¼ turn right
Cross shuffle, Step touch, Step scuff, Cross shuffle
9&10 cross shuffle left over right
11-12 step right to side, touch left beside
13-14 step left to side, scuff right across left
15&16 cross shuffle right over left
Step out x2, Step in x2, ½ Monterey turn
17-18 step out on left, step out on right
19-20 step in on left, step in on right
21-22 point right to side, ½ turn stepping right beside left
23-24 point left to side, step left beside right
Hip bumps fwd x2, Back x2, Fwd, Back, Fwd & hitch left
25-26 step fwd on right, bump hips fwd twice
27-28 bump hips back twice
29-32 bump hips fwd, back, fwd & hitch left knee
Hip bumps fwd x2, Back x2, Fwd, Back, Fwd & scuff right
33-34 step down on left, bump hips fwd twice
35-36 bump hips back twice
37-40 bump hips fwd, back, fwd & scuff right fwd
Start again…….
Fwd touch, Drag back & flick. Coaster step, Step ¼ turn
1-2 step fwd on right & touch left beside
3-4 step back on left, drag right beside and flick right heel back
5&6 right coaster step
7-8 step fwd on left & ¼ turn right
Cross shuffle, Step touch, Step scuff, Cross shuffle
9&10 cross shuffle left over right
11-12 step right to side, touch left beside
13-14 step left to side, scuff right across left
15&16 cross shuffle right over left
Step out x2, Step in x2, ½ Monterey turn
17-18 step out on left, step out on right
19-20 step in on left, step in on right
21-22 point right to side, ½ turn stepping right beside left
23-24 point left to side, step left beside right
Hip bumps fwd x2, Back x2, Fwd, Back, Fwd & hitch left
25-26 step fwd on right, bump hips fwd twice
27-28 bump hips back twice
29-32 bump hips fwd, back, fwd & hitch left knee
Hip bumps fwd x2, Back x2, Fwd, Back, Fwd & scuff right
33-34 step down on left, bump hips fwd twice
35-36 bump hips back twice
37-40 bump hips fwd, back, fwd & scuff right fwd
Start again…….