Intro: 32 counts (18 Seconds)......(BPM: 110) Start on main vocals.
Forward rock. Back-lock step. Back rock. Forward-lock step.
1 – 2 Rock forward on the left. Recover the weight back onto the right.
3&4 Step back on the left. Lock the right in front of the left. Step back on the left.
5 – 6 Rock back on the right. Recover weight forward into the left.
7&8 Step forward on the right. Lock the left foot behind the right. Step forward on the right.
Forward rock. Shuffle ½ turn. Step Pivot ¼ turn. Cross, ½ turn right.
1 – 2 Rock forward on the left. Recover weight back onto the right.
3&4 Shuffle ½ turn left stepping: Left, Right, Left.
5 – 6 Step forward on the right. Pivot ¼ turn left.
7&8 Cross the right foot over the left. Make a ¼ turn right stepping back on the left. Make a ¼ turn right stepping right foot out to the right side. (3.00)
Cross rock. Chasse Left. Cross rock (or full turn). Chasse right.
1 – 2 Cross rock the left foot over the right. Recover weight back onto the right.
3&4 Step the left foot to the left side. Close the right beside the left. Step the left to the left side.
5 – 6 Cross rock the right foot over the left. Recover weight back onto the right.
(Optional: Cross the right over the left. Unwind a full turn left keeping weight in the left.)
7&8 Step the right to the right side. Close the left beside the right. Step right to the right side.
Cross Points X2. Cross-back. Sways X2.
1 – 2 Cross the left foot over the right. Point the right out to the right side.
3 – 4 Cross the right foot over the left. Point the left foot out to the left side.
5 – 6 Cross the left foot over the right. Step back on the right.
7 – 8 Step left foot to the left side: Sway hips to the left. Sway Hips to the right.
Tag – This tag comes at the end of walls 3 (3.00) & 6 (6.00).
Side touches X2 (With Clicks). Chasse Left. Chasse Right.
1 – 2 Step the left to the left side. Touch the right beside the left (Click fingers).
3 – 4 Step the right to the right side. Touch the left next to the right (Click fingers).
5&6 Step the left to the left side. Close the right next to the left. Step the left to the left side.
7&8 Step the right to the right side. Close the left next to the right. Step the right to the right side.
(Take small steps with the chasses as it is a Cha step and move your hips with it)
Choreographers Note:
Towards the end of the dance during section 1 the music stops but as this happens continue the dance. It will feel like you are out of time with the steps so to get back into it, the ½ turn in section 2 will need to be a little slower and pick up the timing again from section 3 (Left Cross Rock).
Forward rock. Back-lock step. Back rock. Forward-lock step.
1 – 2 Rock forward on the left. Recover the weight back onto the right.
3&4 Step back on the left. Lock the right in front of the left. Step back on the left.
5 – 6 Rock back on the right. Recover weight forward into the left.
7&8 Step forward on the right. Lock the left foot behind the right. Step forward on the right.
Forward rock. Shuffle ½ turn. Step Pivot ¼ turn. Cross, ½ turn right.
1 – 2 Rock forward on the left. Recover weight back onto the right.
3&4 Shuffle ½ turn left stepping: Left, Right, Left.
5 – 6 Step forward on the right. Pivot ¼ turn left.
7&8 Cross the right foot over the left. Make a ¼ turn right stepping back on the left. Make a ¼ turn right stepping right foot out to the right side. (3.00)
Cross rock. Chasse Left. Cross rock (or full turn). Chasse right.
1 – 2 Cross rock the left foot over the right. Recover weight back onto the right.
3&4 Step the left foot to the left side. Close the right beside the left. Step the left to the left side.
5 – 6 Cross rock the right foot over the left. Recover weight back onto the right.
(Optional: Cross the right over the left. Unwind a full turn left keeping weight in the left.)
7&8 Step the right to the right side. Close the left beside the right. Step right to the right side.
Cross Points X2. Cross-back. Sways X2.
1 – 2 Cross the left foot over the right. Point the right out to the right side.
3 – 4 Cross the right foot over the left. Point the left foot out to the left side.
5 – 6 Cross the left foot over the right. Step back on the right.
7 – 8 Step left foot to the left side: Sway hips to the left. Sway Hips to the right.
Tag – This tag comes at the end of walls 3 (3.00) & 6 (6.00).
Side touches X2 (With Clicks). Chasse Left. Chasse Right.
1 – 2 Step the left to the left side. Touch the right beside the left (Click fingers).
3 – 4 Step the right to the right side. Touch the left next to the right (Click fingers).
5&6 Step the left to the left side. Close the right next to the left. Step the left to the left side.
7&8 Step the right to the right side. Close the left next to the right. Step the right to the right side.
(Take small steps with the chasses as it is a Cha step and move your hips with it)
Choreographers Note:
Towards the end of the dance during section 1 the music stops but as this happens continue the dance. It will feel like you are out of time with the steps so to get back into it, the ½ turn in section 2 will need to be a little slower and pick up the timing again from section 3 (Left Cross Rock).