8 count intro.
Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Step Touch, Step Touch, Rock 1/4 turn Cross
1 2 Walk forward on right, walk forward on left.
3& 4 Step forward right, step left in place, step forward right.
5& 6& Step forward left, touch right toe behind left heel, step back right, touch left toe next to right toe.
7& 8 Rock weight forward onto left, replace weight onto right making 1/4 turn right, cross left over right.
Side Toe Strut, Cross Toe Strut, Rock Recover, Weave, Heel Grind, Rock Back, Walk, Walk, Walk
1& 2& Point right toe to right side, put weight down on heel, point left toe over right foot, put weight down on heel.
3& 4& Step right to right side, recover weight onto left, step right behind left, step left to left side.
5& 6& Step right heel forward, step left slightly to side, rock back on right, replace weight forward left.
7& 8 Walk forward right, left, right.
Step Touch, Step Touch, Shuffle, Step Touch, Step Touch, Shuffle
1& 2& Step forward left, touch right toe to left heel, step back right, touch left toe to right toe.
3& 4 Step forward left, step right in place, step forward left.
5& 6& Step forward right, touch left toe to right heel, step back left, touch right toe to left toe.
7& 8 Step forward right, step left in place, step forward right.
1/4 Jazz Left, 1/4 Monterey, Scuff Hitch Point, Swivels 1/2 Turn, Hitch
1& 2& Cross left over right, step back right, step 1/4 turn left, touch right next to left.
3& 4& Point right to right side, bring right back in place making 1/4 right, point left to left side, step left next to right.
5& 6 Scuff right foot forward, hitch right knee, point right toe back.
7& 8& Swivel heels 1/2 turn left, 1/2 turn right, 1/2 turn left, Hitch right knee.
Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Step Touch, Step Touch, Rock 1/4 turn Cross
1 2 Walk forward on right, walk forward on left.
3& 4 Step forward right, step left in place, step forward right.
5& 6& Step forward left, touch right toe behind left heel, step back right, touch left toe next to right toe.
7& 8 Rock weight forward onto left, replace weight onto right making 1/4 turn right, cross left over right.
Side Toe Strut, Cross Toe Strut, Rock Recover, Weave, Heel Grind, Rock Back, Walk, Walk, Walk
1& 2& Point right toe to right side, put weight down on heel, point left toe over right foot, put weight down on heel.
3& 4& Step right to right side, recover weight onto left, step right behind left, step left to left side.
5& 6& Step right heel forward, step left slightly to side, rock back on right, replace weight forward left.
7& 8 Walk forward right, left, right.
Step Touch, Step Touch, Shuffle, Step Touch, Step Touch, Shuffle
1& 2& Step forward left, touch right toe to left heel, step back right, touch left toe to right toe.
3& 4 Step forward left, step right in place, step forward left.
5& 6& Step forward right, touch left toe to right heel, step back left, touch right toe to left toe.
7& 8 Step forward right, step left in place, step forward right.
1/4 Jazz Left, 1/4 Monterey, Scuff Hitch Point, Swivels 1/2 Turn, Hitch
1& 2& Cross left over right, step back right, step 1/4 turn left, touch right next to left.
3& 4& Point right to right side, bring right back in place making 1/4 right, point left to left side, step left next to right.
5& 6 Scuff right foot forward, hitch right knee, point right toe back.
7& 8& Swivel heels 1/2 turn left, 1/2 turn right, 1/2 turn left, Hitch right knee.