CopperKnob Stepsheets

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High Intermediate
Jordan Lloyd (UK) - May 2010
I'll Be In the Sky - B.o.B
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Intro: 32 counts in, after he says “ I’ll be in the sky” approx 15 seconds.

Scuff ¼ Step Touch, Side, Touch Back, Touch Forward, Step Back, Coaster Step.
1&2 Scuff right foot making a ¼ turn left, step right to right, touch left next to right.
3,4, Step left to left, touch right back .
5,6 Touch right forward, step back on right.
7&8 Step back on left, step right next to left, step left forward.

Step Drag, Ball Step, Step Back ¼, Step Side ¼ Bump, Bump Side, Bump Back, Ball Cross.
1,2 Step right to right ( as you do this dip slightly), drag your left to right.
&3 Step left next to right, step right forward.
4,5 Step back on left making a 1/4 turn right, step right to right side making a ¼ turn right (bump your right hip as you step onto right).
6,7 Bump left hip to left, bump hips back.( Bum will be sticking out)
&8 Step left next to right, cross right over left.

Step Drag, Ball Rock Recover, Ball Rock Recover, Step Back, Step Together, Hitch.
1,2 Step left to left side, drag right up to left.
&3,4 Step right next to left, rock forward on left, recover back on right.
&5,6 Step left next to right, rock forward on right, recover back on left.
&7,8 Step back on right , step left next to right, hitch right knee up.

Sailor ¼, Touch Back Half Turn, Rocking Chair, Step Hitch.
1&2 Step right behind left, step left out to left making a ¼ turn left, step right to right side.
3,4 Touch left back, unwind ½ turn over left stepping down onto left.
5& Rock forward on right, recover back on left.
6& Rock back on right , recover forward on left.
7,8 Step forward on right, hitch left leg up.
*Restarts Happen Here*

Touch Back, Half Turn Step, Step Forward, Pop Knees, Step Back, Lock, Side Shuffle ¼.
1,2 Touch left back, unwind half turn step onto left.
3&4 Step forward on right, Pop both knees forward while bringing both heels off the floor, bring knees back to original position.
5,6 Step back on right, cross left over right.
7&8 Step right to right side as you make a ¼ turn right, step left next to right, step right to right.

Scuff Side, Kick & Rock Step, Walk, Walk, Kick Side, Step.
1,2 Scuff left foot forward, bring left around as you step left to left side.(as if you are stepping to the side over something)
3&4 Kick right forward, step right next to left, rock back on left.
&5 Recover forward on right, step left forward.
6,7 Step forward on right, kick left out to left side.
8 Step left next to right.

Step, Step, Kick Hitch Step, Walk Back, Back, Touch Unwind ¾, Step Out Out, Pop Pop.
&1&2 Step right next to left , step left next to right as you do this kick right out to right, hitch right leg up, step right next to left.
3,4 Step back on left, step back on right.
5,6 Touch left back, unwind ¾ turn left.
&7 Step right to right side, step left to left side.
&8 Pop both knees forward while bringing both heels off the floor, bring knees back to original position.

Coaster Step, Ball Rock Recover, Sailor ½ , Sailor ½ .
1&2 Step back on right, step left next to right, step right forward
&3,4 Step left next to right, rock forward on right, recover back on left.
5&6 Step right behind left, step left out to left making a ¼ turn left, step right out to right making a ¼ turn left.
7&8 Step left behind right, step right out to right making a ¼ turn left, step left out to left making a ¼ turn left.

On Walls 3,6 & 8 dance up to count 31, instead of a hitch on count 32, step onto left then…
start the dance again!

Start Again!! - Enjoy

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