Absolute Beginner
Commence on vocals - intro 32 counts
Diagonally forward, together, diagonally forward, tap, diagonally forward, together, diagonally forward, tap
1 - 2 Step diagonally forward on right to right diagonal, close left to right
3 - 4 Step diagonally forward on right to right diagonal, tap left next to right
5 - 6 Step diagonally forward on left to left diagonal, close right next to left
7 - 8 Step diagonally forward on left to left diagonal, tap right next to left
Step diagonally back, tap, step diagonally back, close, twist heels – right, centre, right, centre
1 - 2 Step right diagonally back to right diagonal, tap left next to right
3 - 4 Step left diagonally back to left diagonal, close right next to left
5 - 8 Twist both heels to right, twist both heels back to centre, twist both heels to right, twist both heels back to centre
Grapevine right, brush, grapevine left with ¼ turn left, brush
1 - 4 Step right to right, cross left behind right, right to right, brush left next to right
5 - 8 Step left to left, cross right behind left, turn ¼ left stepping forward on left, brush right forward
Step, brush, step, brush, walk back x 3, close
1 - 4 Step forward on right, brush left forward, step forward on left, brush right forward
5 - 8 Walk back – right, left, right, close left next to right
End of Dance
At the end of the music twist the heels to face front wall
Diagonally forward, together, diagonally forward, tap, diagonally forward, together, diagonally forward, tap
1 - 2 Step diagonally forward on right to right diagonal, close left to right
3 - 4 Step diagonally forward on right to right diagonal, tap left next to right
5 - 6 Step diagonally forward on left to left diagonal, close right next to left
7 - 8 Step diagonally forward on left to left diagonal, tap right next to left
Step diagonally back, tap, step diagonally back, close, twist heels – right, centre, right, centre
1 - 2 Step right diagonally back to right diagonal, tap left next to right
3 - 4 Step left diagonally back to left diagonal, close right next to left
5 - 8 Twist both heels to right, twist both heels back to centre, twist both heels to right, twist both heels back to centre
Grapevine right, brush, grapevine left with ¼ turn left, brush
1 - 4 Step right to right, cross left behind right, right to right, brush left next to right
5 - 8 Step left to left, cross right behind left, turn ¼ left stepping forward on left, brush right forward
Step, brush, step, brush, walk back x 3, close
1 - 4 Step forward on right, brush left forward, step forward on left, brush right forward
5 - 8 Walk back – right, left, right, close left next to right
End of Dance
At the end of the music twist the heels to face front wall